Friday, December 29, 2023

Mayan Dream

Date of Dream: Unknown
Dream from my Archives

I was watching, as if I were a camera, some old Indian or Mayan tribe. They noticed there was simply too many people on earth, so one decided for depopulation. Many left the tribe and ran off. Others who stayed got killed off until their desired number seemed fit.

This part really creeps me out. The leader of this tribe walked out, I see headstones just surrounding every inch of my vision. This leader had a person trapped to his back in a curled fetal position. He took him off and he just magically straightened but he was stiff. This dude was the origin of the depopulation idea and upon his request, he was frozen in his body, not dead but eternally alive. Someone asked how that was possible and the leader held up a green rectangular sitting vertical necklace. I wish I remembered what he said it was called.....I am just kicking myself for not remembering that name!!! He explained that upon wearing the necklace, his body becomes instantaneously frozen but he is very well conscious. Kinda looked like this guy.

I look at body and I see what looks like an ancient mummy that looks brown, even shiny, but I did see his abnormally huge eyeballs shift around looking at all of his surroundings. The body itself was shaking immensely as of he wanted to move again but it was clear he was bond to be motionless forever.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Into Outer Space Dream

 Current Dream

Lucid dream during a very brief 20 minute nap.

Disclaimer before I get into the dream: For me, personally, when a lucid dream is about to begin, I'll start to see all black. Like, as if that is the signal to my brain that I'm still asleep but about to be lucid and I can continue if I choose or I can wake up to not proceed with a lucid dream (which I have done in the past). Today, however, I choose to go through with it. What I do, is that I try to "clear my mind" and make sure I have no wandering intentional thoughts and just let it happen. By that, I mean that whatever my subconscious wants me to experience, I will just let it happen without any restraint. That usually turns into some very intriguing imagery/dreams. I often wonder if it's astral traveling but by default I will say it's lucid dreaming just in case I am misinterpreting it.

Now the Dream: So this dream started as the darkness I was in slowly and gradually shifted me seeing faces etched in the black. Hard to explain but I was able to see a faint slightly lighter shade of black that showed the outline of only 1 alien face (a grey). I smiled (more like gave out happiness energy) and said "Hi!" and I could have sworn that the alien face gave a faint smile in return. I said more corny stuff like "I hope you have a good day." OMG I am cringing when I think back at it.

The darkness began to shift towards a more golden tone. It was like I was microscopic because it was as if I was looking through a microscope looking at cells. The thing was, I felt like I was THE CELL. I felt so miniscule, tiny, irrelevant and all around...vulnerable. I almost immediately began to feel uncomfortable and focused my energy to change the dream.

Next, I was sitting along the stairs of a very, very narrow staircase in a house. It had soft grey walls everywhere around me but the whole feeling just felt off as fuck. Like I felt this dark and unwelcoming energy around me. Without warning, or even my own intention, I started floating away from the house. It was very slow and dramatic as I was zooming out of the house but it wasn't until I was long enough to way when I got a good look at the house I was in. It was a small but thin and tall house enveloped in...darkness.

In a split second I felt myself getting dragged downward. My first thought was I was going into a hell-like realm. All I know is that the feeling of being dragged down equals nothing good to come of it and this is when I used my intention. 

As I was rapidly being pulled under further into darkess and the house getting smaller and smaller in the distance, I panicked but at the same time tried to calm myself and made the intention of going upward. It was not immediate as I was still getting sucked under but the rate seemed to decrease and I didn't descend as fast as I originally was.

Finally, there came a point where I was now able to fly upwards! Above me and the only thing I was facing was what looked like the sun. I could not feel any coldness nor warmth but I saw the sun and I concentrated on it and continued to go towards it. It honestly felt amazing for the lifting feeling.

Once I got to what I thought was a reasonable distance, I wanted to look what I left behind. However, what was below me now seemed to puzzle me. 

It was presumably the earth but it did not resemble the earth at all. I might have been on another planet. That's not the only weird thing about it. I could see the landscapes but the truly peculiar thing about it was that there was constant changes in the geography. Mini landmasses would disappear or reappear. Parts of this planet was slowly being enveloped by grey masses. Could have been cloud but it did not necessarily look like clouds as it was all 1 uniform color all over the world and it did not have any fading to it. It was a solid dark grey that was patching the planet. I got the feeling as if I was looking at this planet with time was moving at an incredible pace and I saw the Fast Forward to the planet through the decades, perhaps even hundreds of years. It moved so fast before my eyes and I was fixed on this Fast Forward of the change in geography for quite some time, albeit in slight confusion more than fascination. I finally zoomed out much far enough to see the planet as a whole and wow. Majority of the planet was covered in that solid dark grey blob as opposed to it started out in tiny blogs. I started to get frightened on what or why of the cause of this.

If I was able to see the planet as a whole, then that means I am finally in outer space! This is when I got hella excited because I (being lucid) hadn't had a dream being in outer space for an extremely long time. Talking years. So I decided to zoom around the cosmos.

I don't think I even got far but just in the "neighborhood" as they say. I zoomed to take a look at other planets and various other space clouds that had a dark purple/blue tone to what I was able to see. While I was fangirling the universe, I had this sinking feeling of that same microscopic feeling of my existence. I felt so tiny and miniscule as if at any point I could get squashed by a hurtling meteorite millions of time my size. Not an exaggeration, I seriously felt that tiny.

I tried to not let it phase me and tried to enjoy myself and awed by the beauty of outer space. In the beginning of my trip, I saw what resembled a black hole but ignored it but at the very end after I saw all the neat space stuff, my curiousity got the better of me and I wanted to see what it really felt like to go in a black hole. So my dumb ass made the bee line towards it.

The black hole looked so small from so far away and had a dark purple tinge to it. It was almost hypnotizing to how intrigued I was. However, the closer I got to this black hole, the more FORCE it had. I felt the abruptly immense change in gravitational force. It was incredible to experience that strong force! I also noticed that accompanied with the feeling of that force, I felt my change in breathing. Weird. I was struggling to breath and this black hole was literally sucking the air out of my lungs! I know you can't breathe in outer space.

Really, though. It was crazy how quickly and immense these effects were and I got closer and closer and before I knew it, I was at the point where I realized I was finally entering this fucking black hole. Dead ass.

I gasped awake. However, I was still in my dreamstate!!! The freaky part is that when I woke up, I woke up in this research/hospital like center. I was in a white room and jesus christ everything in this room was white. I was on a white bed, white covers. I gasped for air as I awoke and I was shooketh. I looked to my right and there is a woman wearing all white typing on a computer or something and the only thing she said was "Sorry, looks like it didn't pan out well for you." Or something along those lines to refer to the abrupt awakening. I was freaked out.

And then I woke up FOR REAL this time. This entire dream was during a 20 minute nap. Crazy!!!!!

Monday, October 23, 2023

Another Dimension Dream

Current Dream!

I was in a dark dimension where the ground and the sky was almost pitch black. It was very hard to see but I had enough vision to see that there were other people scattered around me. We were all running for our lives. In the distance were immensely tall beings about the size of a 3 story house. It was crazy to see how they looked in comparison in to the people running. They were bulky as hell too. I could hear screams coming in all directions as we were all running for our lives. Off in the distance I could see these dark beings attack people were lasers. Almost seemed like they were randomly chosen. It was extremely scary as I was all alone with no group to be running with. I was just running trying to get far away as I possibly can.

In a split second I transitioned to either another dream or another landscape. 

Hella weird because I was now in this video game cartoony land. It was pixelated and so many bright and vivid colors. I hovered in front of the video game title and for the life of me I cannot remember but it was a popular (albeit likely fictional) video game. It resembled Minecraft in a sense.

I appeared on a 2nd floor but I hovered there. My arms were supporting and while other people were carrying a conversation I just did pushups?? Yeah I was doing pushups I don't fucking know why lol. I guess I wanted to look like I was doing at least something! 

Eventually, their conversation morphed into "Why did we get magically teleported here?" The other person makes a startling thought provoking answer "Maybe it was our parallel selves and they want to warn us." It was something ominous to that extent.

My mind was blown!

But then I woke up.

Thursday, October 5, 2023

Blonde Woman's Death Dream

Date of Dream Unknown
Dream from my Archives

The 1st dream began around night time. 3 men were driving on an empty highway trying to capture a woman torturing another woman. A police car pulls up behind the men, supposedly caught her. The officer walks up with a brunette who swears she didn't do anything wrong. She ends up being put in the car. The officer next walks up with a tall woman with short, blonde hair which is calm and collected. She takes a few steps back with him and suddenly slits his throat and his lifeless body falls on the ground.

The men in the car are astounded. The blonde woman steals the car with the brunette woman and calmly drives off.

In a flash of a second I see images before my eyes how this blonde woman bounded and gagged the brunette woman and torturing her with a knife, cutting her all over her body with her blood curdling screams.

The next scene you hear a calm brunette girl like she is narrating to an interviewer in her ordeal. You could now hear her narration of what was going through her head and how she felt while I see the current images when the blonde is driving the stolen car, now on a highway. She managed to untie herself and looked to the front seat. She knew she was going to drive her to an isolated place and kill her so she was trying to put make the car flip over, even if that meant killing herself. She first tried to throw an apple but did nothing. Next, she lounged for the steering wheel and sharply turned. The car drastically flipped over the highway, ejecting both women.

The brunette was still talking on her desperation of how much she wanted to be free. Well she had a few scrapes and bruises but obviously survived. Even though the image was never shown in my dream, it was still graphic and creepy hearing it from her mouth on what she witnessed. Her voice, still sounded traumatized but still alive said the blonde woman got ejected at a great height, towards electricity poles and landed on those poles from between her legs and instantly died. I'm a bit weirded out why I wasn't chosen to see that image in my dream but still...sounds like I it would be too much for me to see.

Friday, September 29, 2023

Terrorist Dream

Date of Dream: Unknown
Dream from my Archives

*Also this Dream was shortly after the 9/11 attacks

It had my mom, sister and I. We were downtown and it was night. Well you know when planes fly over and you hear that sound when it passes by? That speed faster than sound sound? Well I heard it but it was LOUDER than usual. I looked up in the sky and saw a plane going northward. I thought it was going to just quickly pass by but then it made a drastic drop and it crashed into a building! Immediatly afterwards about 3 bombs came down. In a split second eventhing went to hell. Yells everywhere, everyone running in every direction and bombs continously keep coming down. I first thought of my 6 year old brother! I knew I was going to die. It was so guarenteed that it was and for the first time I was inviting it. I was no longer fearing death.

So anyway I ran up to some building and a terrorist was going through there too. I was in a room with a couple of other people. They quickly hid before the terrorist came in. Stupid me, I did nada. I just stood there like nothing (because of me not being scared of death anymore) The terrorist came in, quickly had the gun up. Originally pointed at my head, but quickly tilted it and shot my right leg. I went down, but obviously still alive and felt no pain.

Yeah the dream was rather morbid but still scared the shit out of me. I don't know why I keep having dreams of planes crashing. This is like my 4th or 5th dream of a similar senario. It totally creeps me out. I am definetly scared of planes because of 9-11 and of my recurring nightmares.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Space Hell Deam

Date of Dream Unknown
Dream from my Archives

I had an amazing dream that I was in SPACE! It was only myself. Even though I had no physical body the thing I instantly realized it was my soul I suppose wandering the cosmos. There was heavy metal music blazing and I was incredibly intrigued almost like my dream come true, having to experience my 2 passions in life! MY soul traveled great distances I got to see awesome sights of the universe it was so breath taking. I looked to my side and I see clusters among clusters of meteors. That must of been millions of those I thought to myself. I was having the time of my life that is until......after looking at the meters and rocks around me I then saw from a great distance red gases. It quickly formed into 2 eyes and a smile directing right at me.

Urgency was just eminating from me. I spent the remainder of the time searching franticly for a way to get out for all I knew I was in tempted in HELL! I then found the whitest clouds ever! The thought didn't cross my mind why CLOUDS where in space as far as I was concerned that was Heaven.

I went closer and closer. The metal music played and for a split second I nearly got tempted again. Yet the louder the heavy metal was playing more darkness was consuming the white clouds. I didn't want the white clouds to go away. I convinced myself to tune out the music and quickly I became closer to these white clouds. I landed on super green grass and the sky was so baby blue I HAD A BODY AGAIN!!! A rush of feelings went through my head that there wasn't a such thing a sin. Wow. No arguements, no murders and no war.

Note: I was in high school when I had this dream 20ish years ago so these christian wordings was before I became atheist. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Car Plunge Dream

Date of dream unknown 
Dream from my archives

This dream started with (my IRL life partner) driving in his car late at night. I was in the passengers seat and our son was in his car seat. We were at this intersection and there was a lot of traffic however we see one gigantic car sized rat....actually it was because it was white. Freaky looking, it kept circling around cars. Weird sight.

So he continued driving but he then approached an extremely narrow one lane road. Seriously narrow. Worse yet this road was elevated, something like a bridge but without sides, it's just the elevated road and a vertical drop on the sides. Since it was late at night, all I saw was pitch black to the left and right. So I don't know if he was sleepy or intoxicated but after a few seconds on the road he makes a random swerve and the car drifts off descending in the unknown pitch blackness. The fall felt like forever. I was screaming for a few seconds.but then I made myseld stop and tried to comfort my son who is also freaking out. Oddly enough, I didn't hear any feedback from IRL life partner.

The car lands but still going further down a rocky road. And all of a sudden our car like magically appears in a living room of a random house!

Say what? Yup, dreams make drastic scenery change so weirdly.

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Lucid Dream During Nap

 Current Dream

I took like literally a cat nap this morning and I actually was able to remember this micro dream.

Nothing special. I was just lucid dreaming. I looked up and wanted to see how the night sky and in a flash of a second, the house roof completely disappeared and the sky was revealed. It was a dim and smokey dark purple cloudy sky.

Have you ever just laid down on somewhere flat and just star gazed or looked up at the clouds and suddenly felt like an ant as the this void is so immense? Yeah.

I felt a tinge of terror for a hot second because the sky/space felt immeasureably vast like my brain just could not compute how immense it was meanwhile I felt like such an insignificant speck. It was a beautiful sight nonetheless.

Scene switched where I was now shown a black and white drawing on the wall. It was a depiction of a house, very simple. This seemed intentional like I was supposed to "change" it. So, while still being lucid, I concentrated on this picture and wanted to see something scary. Instantaneously, the picture on the wall went roaring to life. It looked as if wind was blowing (like a severe thunderstorm or hurricane) It was so abrupt and violent and everything moved so fast, it honestly scared me.

I switched my thoughts to try to think more calming thoughts and the picture did slow down a bit, albeit not completely but at least I was no longer panicking.

Then I woke up.

Different from my traditional dream recollections since this was extremely brief but if felt a little important enough to document here.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Demon Says Dream

Current Dream

A group of teenaged friends, all are asian, are on black pavement. Looks particularly eerie because the sky is dark grey, almost black. The ground they are walking on is black pavement. There's 3 of the friends walking along appearing they know exactly their destination is.

The further they walk along this black pavement, it tapers off into ever darker woods where they enter a house. However, the second they enter the house, time seems to change. Everytime they attempted to leave time seemed to slow down drastically obviously preventing their exit. A demonic entity appeared to them and says that all 3 of them must pass an individual game of torture before they are granted permission to leave.

It was really sick. Like watching a horror movie. One of them had to impale their hand. I forgot the 2nd one but the final one, a guy did the last one. He had the worst of them all. He had to willingly gouge his own eye out or else no one would leave. He painstakingly took a screwdriver and indeed ripped his right eye out of his socket and screaming in unbearable pain.

And just like that, this demonic entity, allowed all three bloodied teenagers to leave.

I don't even understand why but some time goes by where they all consciously GO BACK TO THE HOUSE!!!!!!! I think one of them had a baby with them. Sure enough, the demon appears and talks in his gutteral voice.

I woke up before I could remember anything else.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Ritual of the Red Eyes Dream

Current dream

Short snippet from what I remember. It was night time and I was in a car looking out the passenger's seat. Off in the distance I see nothing but red eyes moving in various directions. I couldn't see bodies or even shadows but dozens and dozens of red eyes dancing in the dark.

Would've been cool to see except I had such a bad feeling of impending doom when I saw this. I got this injected feeling that this was a ritual and sooner or later the entire world would go up in flames. Off in the distance I could hear like a low hum emanating from that area feeling it bears some kind of significance. Seriously gave me a beyond creepy feeling. 

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Futuristic Car Dream

Date of dream unknown 
Dream from my archives

The 3rd dream that I came across after falling asleep AGAIN was what freaked me out the most. It was like a look in the future of transportation. It began as me seing through the eyes of a soldier. we were trained to beat up and strangle the young. We were marching through this facility where there were many others marching in a single file line in and out of the building. The weird part was that on my way marching I was next to freaking Will Smith! I asked him if he knew where my cell was and he tried calling it and couldn't get a ring. "I must of left it in your car!!" I said out loud. So yeah....weird.

I somehow escaped with another man and we escaped in a government looking car. At first I thought, no way would we be able to escape but the man said that this is the goverment owned car with miraculous speed and agility. This car had no wheels this was a car like hundreds of years in the future. it was rounded and glided smoothly that traveled a great distance in a short time. I looked out the window and as I was driving, I saw ahead of a highway-like transportation road. There were many lanes with many cars coming and going in god-like speed. I thought, maybe if we are fast enough we can get out of here. I then said out loud "This is the farthest anyone has got to get out of space." Space? really? did I just really say that? So in our best hopes we sped as fast as we possibly could and get through to the other was too late.

The next thing I saw through an outsiders eyes. In order to get through to the other side we had to pass through this massive machine/robot. It was unbelievely huge. Like War of the Worlds machine, huge!! This robot or whatever it is had tentacles for each lane. Each car had to provide some sort of pass or identification for it to get a FLASH of flash to get through. So back to the outsiders eyes. Our car tried to speed right through this creature in an unspeakable high speed and in a blip of a second...this machine sent in a beam and our car exploded.

Friday, July 21, 2023

The Human Feast Dream

 Current Dream

I can only remember snippets of this dream but here is the best of my recollection. Fucking nightmare, dude.

There was a group of people who abducted others varying in ages from young to old. They would gather them all up in a room. In this room was a bright white color on every wall but then there was also various body pieces strewn around. The real creepy thing about this is that the cut up body parts were sentient. At least the faces were. The decapitated heads that were able to feel pain and worry and anticipation just all around terror I felt from the entire room. I could just feel these soulless beings were mindlessly consuming these body parts with no regard to human life. It was so soul draining.

The ones that were feasting on these body parts appeared human in appearance but I had a weird feeling that they were disguised as some otherworldly beings but I cannot say for sure.

A young man was able to escape in the dead of night but tripped in the crops. He then felt a hand reach for him and he yelled in horror when it was a decrepit old man picking him up and putting him in the back of a running car nearby. The dread I felt from this man was unimaginable.

They took one man (different one) who is tied up behind a gate with other people, including children. I was dreading what would happen. It was their impending death and I did not see any graphic depictions thankfully. I just wanted that dream to end. My mind got fuzzy and the dream switched to another scene.

Another possibly unrelated scene was where there was this very off putting group of people who kept putting emphasis on the word "family" that everything they do is because of family, it was mostly in a twisted way to justify their sick behaviors and being complicit in disturbing actions.

One such action was a man who wielded a shotgun and walked into a class with a mid 30s woman teaching a class of young children. His intention was to murder her because she had a nasty divorce with one of his family members and threw a brick in his window (the window scene was like an imprinted info kind of thing, not discussed or shown). He only had intentions on killing her. 

I was in the classroom and had a premonition that was exactly what would happen and it would happen when the woman would ask the man to go upstairs and that is when and where the murder would happen. The second the man walked in the room, all the kids froze in fear. Since I knew what was going to happen, I had a gut instinct to get the fuck out of there but  I was scared to arouse suspicion from the man so I stayed in my seat.

The woman then asked to go upstairs with him (not exactly knowing her fate, she just didn't want to argue in front of the kids). After they went upstairs, 2 of the children attempted to chase upstairs to save her. One dark skinned girl went up and the 2nd girl (whom I was somehow connected with like family or at least a friend) I telepathically told her to don't go up the stairs because the man won't hesitate to kill anyone who goes up there even if it is a child. She child's face looked like she understood me. I turned my heaead relieved that she understood me and I walked away. Only to look 2 seconds later to see her gone. She ended up going up stairs anyway to help the other little girl. 

I never felt so much dread in all my life. I heard the girls shouting "No! No!" I never heard a gun shot because I woke up.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Demonic Monsters Dream

*Dream from the archives*
*Date of dream unknown*

There was a group of people joined at a forest in complete darkness with an indefinete morbid atmosphere in an attempt to get rid of these demons/ cannibals. There was very little light. A group of 5 or so 20 somethings that wanted to get rid of this demonic race so they decided to split up. All were on motorcycles. One person in particular immediatly came into contact with one of them shortly after leaving by himself.

He stopped his motorcycle the first time he came across this one..a male. 

He wore a black jacket and his face looked melted and red-like. His eyes balls were bulging out and had an enlarged mouth with big teeth and black messy, almost electrified looking hair. The guy managed to dodge his swing and pumped his bike but the monster took a tree branch and swung and hit him in the head. He didn't fall down but he just started up his bike again and took off. While he was riding straight he was shocked to see there were numerous of the monsters standing in his way every few yards. He had to make his bike jump a great length to get over a fallen tree that blocked his path.

His other friends knew how to make the bike jump an unbelieveable height, unfortunately the monsters knew how as well. In another person racing his way towards to the "gate" they were all talking about earlier, came across a group of the snarling monsters and right when he jumped the ridiculous height, the group imitated the same exact thing but missed the person by mere inches.

Another girl made it first to the "gate" only to be confronted by even more of these demons.She looked them up close first hand and saw how creepy and ugly they looked. She saw they took apart the gate. SHe could hear them hissing and snarling at her while she were coming closer and closer to her. So she decided to turn back the way she came to get more people. On her way back she remember she can't go completely all the way back because of the other group she ran into and would for sure be her demise so she took a right turn.

It was so dark. All the trees were enornmously tall and she had to slower her speed and look up at the same time so she wouldn't run into these trees. She quickly came into the sunlight as she entered a neighborhood. She didn't realize it yet but here bike seemed to be flying!! She spotted a group of people, who looked up and saw her in amazement. After she realized she was flying, she decided to land and approach this group of people.

The next thing I remember was being back at home at night time once again. Through the blinds I could see flashes of light. Like someone with a flashlight was looking for something, or someone and was going through my back yard! I had a very negative feeling and thought it was one of "them" trying to search for their prey. I was so tempted to look outside the window to see who exactly it was out there but was too scared. At that time the light kept flashing in my kitchen window as if they somehow knew I was in here. No more than 10 seconds of this non top bombardment of the flash light directed at my window, it stopped. I went to my room for an attempt to see the person...possibility thinking it may be an alien of some sort.

I then woke up!

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Her Dreary Fate Dream

July 2, 2023
Current dream

*Note to anyone reading, the reason why I put record the race of the person is so that it helps me remember the dream. Not meant in any offensive manner*

There is an investigation (supernatural style) of a black person trying to track down a dented car (before it happens) in a shopping parking lot and the person responsible for making that dent is connected to something more serious. A young Asian lady is in a cart nearby thinking this is where it is. Out of nowhere a black lady is pushing a cart full of groceries towards a big crowd in the middle of the lot but she keeps going like faster kind of like power walking almost running and doesn't show signs of stopping. The big crowd eventually notice and run away to clear the area. When the crowd dispersed there was a silver/gray SUV no longer obscured that the cart plowed into. The Asian woman in the cart nearby beckoned her over (waved) her over to ask WHY that happened.  The black lady replies that something supernatural was making her do that.

Out comes a black man who is the one searching for her (I referred to him as Boyd in the dream but that is the character's name/likeness in the tv show From) and they meet for the first time. I had a flash forward that this is HIS future wife! I had an overwhelming feeling of just bursting feelings of LOVE they will have for each other.

At the same time love was accompanied by an overwhelming feeling of dread and sadness because of her impending death but it was the CAUSE of her death is what was the most depressing and saddest part of it was. Her fate was to be dragged to hell (extremely similar to the tv show Hellbound). It felt so intense how much I was ingesting all this informational in a split second!! 

I was now a tangible person standing next to them and I stupidly said in a sort of pitiful patronizing way that I was sad what was going to happen to her. She freaks out and asks me what I meant by that. I try to dodge the question and say that she will live another "couple of decades " another beautiful couple of decades indeed with a goofy smile on my face.

Anyway, she was responsible for doing this experiment in class where she had to bring a frog back to life. Before she stepped foot in the classroom it was still night and all 3 of us were by a dimly lit bridge or sewer. I was at the top where a big was of cash was being cut up and I had to pull it through the bars. Someone mentioned about retrieving a $250 bill. Like wut. After it got pulled through, a frog got injected with some substance with a dart.

The lady took 2 frogs with her in a big pot and arrived to her class late. I now have a Birdseye perspective when I saw her walk in the classroom. The professor told the class they have 1 hour to make their dead frogs come back to life in order to pass the class.

The lady looked in her pot and one frog was moving along and it went up to the surface of the water struggling to breathe. It did it so slowly and agonizingly. Weird thing about it is that the frog appeared to only breathe air as if this frog were somehow...drowning? It was struggling to keep it's head above water to breathe in the oxygen. A bit disturbing to realize that the frog functioned like a human or worded yet a human was trapped in a frog or  something. It was hinted that this other frog needed to be injected so I (or the other frog I cannot remember) proceeded to inject the other frog. It squirmed for a bit and changed colors.

I woke up

Friday, June 16, 2023

Isolated Dream

Dream from my archives 
Date of dream unknown

This dream began as I was running in an isolated forest. It was depressing because there was not one soul in sight and felt like I was the last person on earth. I was all alone and I was lost. I was running for my life because I was desperate to survive and not starve to death or get attacked by creatures. I see nothing but grass and and trees for miles and miles!!! I then come across an area with no grass growing but dirt and a vulture was following me for a few minutes. I knew if I stopped than the vulture was going to devour me. So I continued to run and run. The vulture eventually flew away and then a voice spoke to me that the vulture's intentions were to attack and eat me since it had no food for a very long time, but gave up.

I ran through a lush grassland. I was barefoot and I could feel the cushion of grass beneath my feet and the smell of freshness. I felt I was in the wrong direction and so I turned back with no vulture following me this time around. Things took a drastic change when the condition of the grass when from a bright green color, soft and abundant grass to a half dead, brown grass dried and prickly area where the grass and sticks kept pricking my feet. My feet hurt so much from it stabbing my feet, I was forced to stop where I stood. Pondering that I maybe was in the wrong direction and lost. I walked further until I came across 2 people. I believe they were speaking another language. I'm fucked forever.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Dad & Mom reunited dream

Thu, Apr 7, 2022 9:25 AM

Very brief dream I just woke up from but it was an extremely comforting dream.

I was in this small cramped room with what I think was walls of wood as in a cabin possibly. I was next to my dad (FYI, he died when I was a kid) and there was some kind of potluck. I looked around and there were various Mexican dishes and that people were introducing me to. I really don't remember much of this the only thing that really stuck out was that I was next to my dad and I was extremely happy to be near him. All of a sudden my mom walked in the room looking for me wondering where I had been. I told I just wanted to hang with my dad. She proceeded to sit next to me. In a split second, everyone else in the room were gone. So it was just my dad, my mom and I sitting side by side. This is was absolutely the happiest feeling I have ever felt. Hard to describe but it felt so overwhelmingly calming and I was extremely happy to be next to both my parents. That was until my dad and mom were openly flirting with each other and I did my typical teenager "OMG stahhp"


I wish I remembered more of this dream. I have been really depressed lately so this is definitely a breath of fresh air to have another dream of my dad since it's been a long time last I have. I am a strong believer in visitation dreams. I've had plenty of them since I was a kid. I strongly believe that's his way of checking up on me throughout my life. And this really gives me so much comfort and I don't want anyone to reign in on my parade and tell me wishful thinking or whatever. But this does keep my head up.

UPDATE: I decided to tell my mom this dream and she was extremely comforted by this dream. Me and her are needless to say big believers in visitation dreams (communicating with deceased loved ones in dreams). She has had VERY interesting ones in the past. It's not my place to share her experiences but they are oddly specific even correctly predicted a future event or two. I don't think my sister and brother believe in it. If they are, they aren't outspoken on it. I'm glad I told my mom I could tell this dream obviously meant a lot to her I mean well yeah he was the love of her life of course it did! I could just hear it in her voice how deeply touched she was. It definitely made her day

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Multilated Shoulder Dream

Micro dream
Dreamt May 28th, 2023

So in this dream, I had this fight with one of my friends. It was a little scary because in this dream in the middle of an argument, I snapped and attacked him. I took a saw or something and cut half his shoulder off. It was still connected but a piece of bone was sticking out and he weirdly seemed chill about it. As in, he didn't hate me. He was just sitting there looking at his gaping wound.

Meanwhile I just was filled with instant guilt that I let it escalate that far. His wound wasn't terribly bloody or anything but it was strange to see his shoulder blade in such gruesome detail. I could see the insides of the muscles but the bone sticking out was freakishly white as hell it looked so movie fake! His family wanted to kick my ass, as they rightfully should. It was such a grueling sight. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Neon Conspiracy Dream

Wed, Mar 23, 2022 5:51 AM

I looked up at the night sky and saw multiple bright yet constantly changing neon colors. There were at least a dozen in the sky and formed this horizontal line across the sky. A person next to me was asking what it was. I answered that it was space jellyfish as if it were a normal phenomenon. My brain slightly questioned myself if it were was normal (possible reality check? Failed attempt at lucid dreaming perhaps?) I continued to stare at the sky because the motions of the jellyfish looked truly majestic as if I were watching a beautiful comet fly by.

My dream transitioned into another were I now saw a group of presumably military recruits in training. They were standing in shallow water in a line. I had some kind of internal monologue that these aforementioned jellyfish used to feed on humans. The jellyfish were much sizeable over humans. Something went I think not planned and I witnessed an aggressive jellyfish all of a sudden attack and swallow a couple of recruits. Soldiers panicked and ran the opposite way as best they can. The officer in command jumped and started a helicopter and a few recruits scrambled to jump in. A few got in but it was small and got overloaded almost immediately and away it took off in the sky. There was a second helicopter but for some reason, it felt as if this second one was doomed to fail but I am not entirely sure. Definitely a handful of soldiers got left behind.

One event after this what REALLY spooked me though was it was now in my point of view. I received an email from a closed loved one (presumably my own child or at least someone I deeply cared for) had sent an email. Or possibly an internet post. It was about exposing a deep secret about the military. I forgot the exact contents of it but it might have something to do with the jellyfish incident or COVID. Or both idk. My memory is fuzzy on this part. The post was never updated even though a few hours had passed. I (or someone close) was intending to go physically visit that person. Only to find that a shower was running and the person nowhere in sight. I felt an instant surge of fear and impending doom.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Vampires Takeover Dream

Date of Dream: May 7th, 2023
Current dream. 

A man walks into a church and quickly takes over conversation. He looks like Robert Patrick. 

There is a church service where there were a lot of people sitting in attendance. Vamps quickly appeared seemingly out of nowhere. People were so horrified and tried to escape. Others were frozen in shock and vamps wasted no time to bite those people. 

Quickly everyone one by one get slaughtered and bitten by these vamps. Vamps are spread through every exits so even when you thought humans have fled, they were quickly round up caught by the vamps. They had 3 dogs. 1 black and 2 light huskey like lite brown who snarled they worked like sheppard dogs rounding up people back to the center as they proceeded to get picked off by them. One appeared on the top floor as I saw for the first time. Vamps bite and slaughtered all the humans in sight. Only adults. I luckily never saw any children present. 

One girl broke in through an upstairs 2nd story empty bed room. She hid from detection by putting herself under one of the 2 empty mattresses on the floor. She waited until they were gone (as they actually did go in the room to check for qnay remaining people left) Still under the mattress and after a tense wait, she gets on the phone her cell phone and messes with their webpage into changing their vamp homepage into one of hers with her pic in front. She saved it and didn't want to update the page just yet until she was safely gone. While still under the mattress she calls the church in which a human who looks like Rob Thomas answers the phone. She asks what happened to this place. He quickly says that vampires took over the church. Vamps look like mobsters. They didn't talk much and quickly hung up. The girl wanted to quickly leave and escape fearing that she would be caught as she thinks that her being under the mattress would leave a big lump as a big giveaway for the next person to walk in so she quickly tried to hurry up and leave. She noticed the door to the room as halfway open so she tries to be quick. She gets caught right as she stands up from getting off of the mattress. She does arroise attention but she jumps off the 2nd story anyway. She successfully flees and tries to land on a nearby trampoline. This girl looks like the punk rock chick from Darknet episode 1.

She is next seen arrested. One woman told her that she has to rise in the ranks to get preferential treatment but in order to do that she has to wear an earing in the left ear and some other stuff and knock on the door with another girl. They have to survive 1 min or wás it 10 min of having rough intercourse by 2 other older men. From a birds eye view I saw both woman having intercourse with the men. By the time they were done they were bloodied in their genital area. After proving their "worth", an older woman who looked to be watching them told 2 other girls in nearby bunks to take off from their space so that these current 2 girls can now replace them. The girls left without any fight while the main girl and the one she initially went in with proceeded to take their bunks. Main girl may have had a mastectomy scar idk. 

I woke up.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Death of My Grandmother Dream

 Date of Dream: Unknown

Dream from my archives

(This one is a very hard one to write because my grandma died in a terrible way a few years ago. The dream I had took place not too long after she passed.)

This dream had me in this very dark realm. The evilness from is was emanting nothing but depression and sadness. The sky was almost black but with a dark red tinge to it. I was walking outside by these dilapidated cars nearby by and I seriously couldn't see any one at all. Not a single person in sight. The surrounds resembles very much like the Upside Down from Stranger Things. That is, until I saw her.

My grandmother. I think I asked her why she was here and she said  "I killed myself and now I am in Hell. It's so terrible here. Just so many bodies."

The sadness in her voice was just too depressing beyond words. I honestly couldn't recall much further on our conversation. However, it was very brief. She said she doesn't have much time left to talk to me and she had to go.

I begged her not to leave me. I begged her not to go. I really did not want her to leave and I definitely want to tell her how much I love her. But before I knew it, a split seconds time, her face and whole body did a weird morph. I felt her presence no longer in front of me but there was still clearly a body in front of me. A woman but it was as if there was a body switch of some sort. The woman who was before me was a complete stranger and looked at me with the same level of confused as I.

I just remember being so sad. Sad she claimed she is in Hell and sad I never got to say how much I love and miss her. 

Dream Ended.

This dream has always puzzled me through the years. First off, the fact she claimed she killed herself. The way she died was in an accident as a result from someone else. A case that was documented and taken to court. Not by suicide at all. I do wonder what she meant by that or if that there was something more to her death. I was still mourning her death and a lot of that stemmed from guilt that I didn't visit or call her much at all years leading up to it. So much guilt. I always took for granted that she was always going to be there but I realized that way too late. A lot of that guilt was I remember my mom telling me to call grandma to tell her happy birthday just a few weeks before but I was too scatterbrained I ended up never doing it. Why the fuck didn't I just call my grandmother? I beat myself up everyday thinking about how selfish I was and how terrible of granddaughter I was to her. I hope she knows she gave me a lot of happy memories as a child. I was too depressed to want to do much of anything and I could I could have just mustered up the energy to call just wish her a hapy birthday that day. That could have been the last good interaction but I was too depressed to do anything about it. I'm so sorry.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Confuzzled Corpse Dream

Date of dream: unknown
Dream from my archives

Okay so I was looking out of my window looking on the streets. It was so gloomy and shady skies because of the rain and everything. The street closest to me lied a decaying grey-like corpse wrapped in a plastic bag with both it's legs amputated. At first, was nothing. Just eerie silence as the rain pounded on the bag as cars passing by (but not running the corpse dead flat) so like a cheap horror movie, the eyes of the corpse fling open and slowly trying to sit up. Quickly grew legs and stood up as cars were coming the opposite direction he eyes were pointed. After he stood up, he began moving fast paced and jumping on cars making weird walking movements. Police went on the scene in a matter of seconds trying to catch this unknown evil but he was too fast paced for the growing number of police chasing after him. It quickly became sunlight and he approached a group of campers in a mountain range (as changing from a city to the country location in a snap is so common in dreams) One woman that I played in my dream and I could see through her eyes, saw this corpse. Freaked out, I run up and up the mountains and stupid 'ol brains make a leap down below. I'm looking as I'm falling down to a swamp-like ground but I knew some of the swamp had some rock covered in vines so there was a possiblility I could have leaped to my death. Alas, I fell into water.

Then I woke up.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Haunted Hotel

 Date of dream dreamt: March 11, 2023

Me, partner and son check in to this hotel but it has a very dark presence to it.

Partner and I are in one room and son in another. I remember partner was constantly asking to leave this place because he felt such evil vibes to it. I talked him out of it and said it was only one night so we should brave through this night even though I felt the exact same evil vibe he was. We were watching a movie when all of a sudden it blanked out and the tv turned itself off. I turned on the TV again and it had this pink screen with white letters on it but I wasn't able to read what it said. There was also a man's voice and was starting to say something but partner turned it off because I could not register what the man said. He had a monotone voice and unfortunately I still had no idea what he said or could have said. 

So we're in bed and I'm half naked from the waist down but I get this overwhelming urgency to just get up and get ready to leave. Partner was in what I believe to be possessed because his whole demeanor changed in an instant. He was physically holding me down to prevent me from even getting up! He had this evil smirk on his face too.

Right before my eyes, I see this entity wanting to kill us as if it were part of a movie. I hear a banging on the door. I assume it was my son so I yell for him to call 911 and that "he" is refusing to let me leave. I never heard his voice behind the door to know for sure if that was really him.

Flash forward because I had no idea how we were able to leave the hotel but we did. We were in the car as we were driving past the window because of a red stop light, I tried to turn away and not look. Partner had a gun weirdly shaped and had me try to aim it for him. That was when I looked at the window. There was a figure in all black with a scary white mask on. Never moved but aiming it was super difficult because my hands kept shaking. All I heard was a shot, I didn't see whether it hit to figure or not but the presence still freaked me out.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Jesus Dream

Date of Dream: Unknown
Dream from my archives

The dream showed numerous people dying like in freak accidents and stuff. For instance first it has me falling from the sky and I landed in the swimming pool and it made a huge SPLASH! I knew I was going to die. However I at least wanted to make it up to the surface before I do. Somehow or someway I got the energy and made it to the surface. Then my body changed. It was no longer me that was going to die, but a man in the mid 30's. The man sat up and the two other men who witnessed it rushed over to him and asked if he was okay. The three were conversing. 

The next part the two men claim was that before the man died...they thought he was talking to himself. Apparently there was another person he was talking to and for some reason the two other men couldn't see him. There was no one there.

The man who was about to die...through his eyes while he was talking to the two men before, he saw in the distance the fourth man. Resembling Jesus. He had a surfboard (hey..don't laugh) and trunks and was swimming directly to him. (Remember the two other men couldn;t see him) He was tall and built with lengthy just above shoulder length brown wavy hair with bold brown eyes.

Both of them had a brief talk. He asked Jesus why he was chosen to die. Jesus replied that he was not the one responsible for it and he just "takes orders". 

"Everything doesn't seem fair" he says. 

"Death is something everyone can't avoid."

The next thing...I woke up from the dream with violent thunderstorms.

Monday, February 6, 2023

Killing Spree Dream

Date of Dream: Unknown
Dream from my archives

Some demented guy walked in some office and took out his gun and began shooting everyone! It was weird because in my dream, I had deja vu and knew where he was going and I had these weird visions of where he'd start shooting, where he'd go next and so on. So I hid just out of his reach as he shot everyone in his sight.

It began as I was in the hallway and there was RORSCHACH! ((in Watchmen, the guy in the trenchcoat with the white mask of the constantly changing ink blots)) He was standing in the hallway in a fake decoy attempt to kill someone that obviously failed in order to divert attention from the actual killing spree. After I saw that he failed to kill the man, I turned around and I saw an old man with grey hair go into a room and took out his gun and began just non stop shooting everyone!

I then had a vision that if I went inside that I saw upon more closer when he pulled out his gun and shot everyonw in the room. This vision prevented me from entering the room after the fake attempt. Immediatly after I saw him shooting I turned around thinking where to run and the second I turn around in the lobby, I HAD ANOTHER VISION! That the man went straight to the lobby, where a line of african women were and he shot all of them. So I immediatly turn to the door. ANOTHER VISION! Going to the door, another man was going towards the door, but not dast enough, and the old man saw and shot him on his way to the lobby. So I immediately ran like hell to the door and I came out and survived in one piece... creepy.

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Dad and the Store Dream

Current dream. Date of dream: January 17, 2023

I was in a car with my family. I was in the passenger seat and I look to my left and it's my dad! He's driving. (He's passed away IRL) We were on paved roads and then he says to me that we're now going to drive in the "ghetto" or some equivalent to that word. We went from paved roads to a dirt road now. I was expecting more of being in a dangerous area but it was really more along the lines of dilapidated or extremely low quality houses and businesses we passed by. I recalled passing by an auto shop. For some reason it really gave me the creeps. Not in a fearing for my safety but more of this area is abandoned and unkempt. Very outdated and dirty everywhere. We then drove to a shopping strip where it seemed to have the same environment but at the same time it felt weirdly nostalgic to me.

I was looking wide eyed at it as if I unlocked a special core memory there. I can still remember feeling so amazed as if I haven't been in this once loving area in literal years.

So we all went inside a store or some Mexican mercado of sorts. We grabbed with white styrophone cup with some weird soup in it and my dad went to the counter to pay. I could now see his entirety of his face and body. He had clothes I recalled seeing him wearing in an old photo IRL. A black rock radio station t shirt very outdated but it was current at the time of the IRL picture that he wore in my dream. He was also looking like the slim body build which is exactly like the picture. Myself was in my younger elementary aged body (I was 6 at the time he died).So in this dream I was my 6 year old self. I remember hovering up a little by some unknown force and bear hugged him from behind. My hands wrapped around his upper chest and gave him such the warmest hug I could possibly give. As soon as I hugged him I said "I love you daddy." And buried my face in his back. I remember feeling so much warmth and love to see my dad again. I don't recall him reacting to hugging him but regardless I still felt happiness and at peace just at the opportunity to hug him.

I woke up. 

Thursday, January 12, 2023

The Girl in Blue

Date of Dream: January 12, 2023

I was in a huge complex. I stepped outside and I remember seeing pretty broad decorations. On the 2nd floor I looked up at one it I saw a scary clown that resembled Pennywise the clown from Stephen Kings It. Any way as I was walking back to my door I saw a woman come out of a door to my left and knocked on my door. Since I was already there I went up to her and said " Hey, I live here, what can I help you with?" And this girl just stared at me. She was about my height, had tan skin so she looked either Mexican or Persian but her eyes looked weird. They were blood shot red but her facial expression looked disturbing. She gave such a creepy smile. I repeated myself and she has never said a word at all. I then decided to put myself between the door so she wouldn't sneak in. A couple of people nearby noticed and tried to restrain her. I took this opportunity to try to run inside. I had this weird feeling each time I was close to closing and locking the door that everytime she broke free, time seemed to have slowed down for me and she would always come back and reach the door. This happened two times. The surrounding people were now gone. She was thrown to the stairs nearby and her whole body contortion tripped me out. Her mannerisms didn't even look human. Disturbing. Looked like I finally had ample time and time flowed fast running back to the door but when it came time to close and lock it she moved quickly and reached the door at godspeed. I was so helpless I remember doing my last resort to hold my hand up in front of her and say "The power of Christ compels you!" I said it in such a cringe meme way too. Bruh. She disappeared in an instant! Shocked, I finally ran back to my door and successfully closed and locked it with ease.

I woke up.

Also, I'm atheist so WHAT THE FUCK