Sunday, July 2, 2023

Her Dreary Fate Dream

July 2, 2023
Current dream

*Note to anyone reading, the reason why I put record the race of the person is so that it helps me remember the dream. Not meant in any offensive manner*

There is an investigation (supernatural style) of a black person trying to track down a dented car (before it happens) in a shopping parking lot and the person responsible for making that dent is connected to something more serious. A young Asian lady is in a cart nearby thinking this is where it is. Out of nowhere a black lady is pushing a cart full of groceries towards a big crowd in the middle of the lot but she keeps going like faster kind of like power walking almost running and doesn't show signs of stopping. The big crowd eventually notice and run away to clear the area. When the crowd dispersed there was a silver/gray SUV no longer obscured that the cart plowed into. The Asian woman in the cart nearby beckoned her over (waved) her over to ask WHY that happened.  The black lady replies that something supernatural was making her do that.

Out comes a black man who is the one searching for her (I referred to him as Boyd in the dream but that is the character's name/likeness in the tv show From) and they meet for the first time. I had a flash forward that this is HIS future wife! I had an overwhelming feeling of just bursting feelings of LOVE they will have for each other.

At the same time love was accompanied by an overwhelming feeling of dread and sadness because of her impending death but it was the CAUSE of her death is what was the most depressing and saddest part of it was. Her fate was to be dragged to hell (extremely similar to the tv show Hellbound). It felt so intense how much I was ingesting all this informational in a split second!! 

I was now a tangible person standing next to them and I stupidly said in a sort of pitiful patronizing way that I was sad what was going to happen to her. She freaks out and asks me what I meant by that. I try to dodge the question and say that she will live another "couple of decades " another beautiful couple of decades indeed with a goofy smile on my face.

Anyway, she was responsible for doing this experiment in class where she had to bring a frog back to life. Before she stepped foot in the classroom it was still night and all 3 of us were by a dimly lit bridge or sewer. I was at the top where a big was of cash was being cut up and I had to pull it through the bars. Someone mentioned about retrieving a $250 bill. Like wut. After it got pulled through, a frog got injected with some substance with a dart.

The lady took 2 frogs with her in a big pot and arrived to her class late. I now have a Birdseye perspective when I saw her walk in the classroom. The professor told the class they have 1 hour to make their dead frogs come back to life in order to pass the class.

The lady looked in her pot and one frog was moving along and it went up to the surface of the water struggling to breathe. It did it so slowly and agonizingly. Weird thing about it is that the frog appeared to only breathe air as if this frog were somehow...drowning? It was struggling to keep it's head above water to breathe in the oxygen. A bit disturbing to realize that the frog functioned like a human or worded yet a human was trapped in a frog or  something. It was hinted that this other frog needed to be injected so I (or the other frog I cannot remember) proceeded to inject the other frog. It squirmed for a bit and changed colors.

I woke up