Date of Dream Unknown
Dream from my Archives
The 1st dream began around night time. 3 men were driving on an empty highway trying to capture a woman torturing another woman. A police car pulls up behind the men, supposedly caught her. The officer walks up with a brunette who swears she didn't do anything wrong. She ends up being put in the car. The officer next walks up with a tall woman with short, blonde hair which is calm and collected. She takes a few steps back with him and suddenly slits his throat and his lifeless body falls on the ground.
The men in the car are astounded. The blonde woman steals the car with the brunette woman and calmly drives off.
In a flash of a second I see images before my eyes how this blonde woman bounded and gagged the brunette woman and torturing her with a knife, cutting her all over her body with her blood curdling screams.
The next scene you hear a calm brunette girl like she is narrating to an interviewer in her ordeal. You could now hear her narration of what was going through her head and how she felt while I see the current images when the blonde is driving the stolen car, now on a highway. She managed to untie herself and looked to the front seat. She knew she was going to drive her to an isolated place and kill her so she was trying to put make the car flip over, even if that meant killing herself. She first tried to throw an apple but did nothing. Next, she lounged for the steering wheel and sharply turned. The car drastically flipped over the highway, ejecting both women.
The brunette was still talking on her desperation of how much she wanted to be free. Well she had a few scrapes and bruises but obviously survived. Even though the image was never shown in my dream, it was still graphic and creepy hearing it from her mouth on what she witnessed. Her voice, still sounded traumatized but still alive said the blonde woman got ejected at a great height, towards electricity poles and landed on those poles from between her legs and instantly died. I'm a bit weirded out why I wasn't chosen to see that image in my dream but still...sounds like I it would be too much for me to see.