Monday, October 23, 2023

Another Dimension Dream

Current Dream!

I was in a dark dimension where the ground and the sky was almost pitch black. It was very hard to see but I had enough vision to see that there were other people scattered around me. We were all running for our lives. In the distance were immensely tall beings about the size of a 3 story house. It was crazy to see how they looked in comparison in to the people running. They were bulky as hell too. I could hear screams coming in all directions as we were all running for our lives. Off in the distance I could see these dark beings attack people were lasers. Almost seemed like they were randomly chosen. It was extremely scary as I was all alone with no group to be running with. I was just running trying to get far away as I possibly can.

In a split second I transitioned to either another dream or another landscape. 

Hella weird because I was now in this video game cartoony land. It was pixelated and so many bright and vivid colors. I hovered in front of the video game title and for the life of me I cannot remember but it was a popular (albeit likely fictional) video game. It resembled Minecraft in a sense.

I appeared on a 2nd floor but I hovered there. My arms were supporting and while other people were carrying a conversation I just did pushups?? Yeah I was doing pushups I don't fucking know why lol. I guess I wanted to look like I was doing at least something! 

Eventually, their conversation morphed into "Why did we get magically teleported here?" The other person makes a startling thought provoking answer "Maybe it was our parallel selves and they want to warn us." It was something ominous to that extent.

My mind was blown!

But then I woke up.