Current Dream
Lucid dream during a very brief 20 minute nap.
Disclaimer before I get into the dream: For me, personally, when a lucid dream is about to begin, I'll start to see all black. Like, as if that is the signal to my brain that I'm still asleep but about to be lucid and I can continue if I choose or I can wake up to not proceed with a lucid dream (which I have done in the past). Today, however, I choose to go through with it. What I do, is that I try to "clear my mind" and make sure I have no wandering intentional thoughts and just let it happen. By that, I mean that whatever my subconscious wants me to experience, I will just let it happen without any restraint. That usually turns into some very intriguing imagery/dreams. I often wonder if it's astral traveling but by default I will say it's lucid dreaming just in case I am misinterpreting it.
Now the Dream: So this dream started as the darkness I was in slowly and gradually shifted me seeing faces etched in the black. Hard to explain but I was able to see a faint slightly lighter shade of black that showed the outline of only 1 alien face (a grey). I smiled (more like gave out happiness energy) and said "Hi!" and I could have sworn that the alien face gave a faint smile in return. I said more corny stuff like "I hope you have a good day." OMG I am cringing when I think back at it.
The darkness began to shift towards a more golden tone. It was like I was microscopic because it was as if I was looking through a microscope looking at cells. The thing was, I felt like I was THE CELL. I felt so miniscule, tiny, irrelevant and all around...vulnerable. I almost immediately began to feel uncomfortable and focused my energy to change the dream.
Next, I was sitting along the stairs of a very, very narrow staircase in a house. It had soft grey walls everywhere around me but the whole feeling just felt off as fuck. Like I felt this dark and unwelcoming energy around me. Without warning, or even my own intention, I started floating away from the house. It was very slow and dramatic as I was zooming out of the house but it wasn't until I was long enough to way when I got a good look at the house I was in. It was a small but thin and tall house enveloped in...darkness.
In a split second I felt myself getting dragged downward. My first thought was I was going into a hell-like realm. All I know is that the feeling of being dragged down equals nothing good to come of it and this is when I used my intention.
As I was rapidly being pulled under further into darkess and the house getting smaller and smaller in the distance, I panicked but at the same time tried to calm myself and made the intention of going upward. It was not immediate as I was still getting sucked under but the rate seemed to decrease and I didn't descend as fast as I originally was.
Finally, there came a point where I was now able to fly upwards! Above me and the only thing I was facing was what looked like the sun. I could not feel any coldness nor warmth but I saw the sun and I concentrated on it and continued to go towards it. It honestly felt amazing for the lifting feeling.
Once I got to what I thought was a reasonable distance, I wanted to look what I left behind. However, what was below me now seemed to puzzle me.
It was presumably the earth but it did not resemble the earth at all. I might have been on another planet. That's not the only weird thing about it. I could see the landscapes but the truly peculiar thing about it was that there was constant changes in the geography. Mini landmasses would disappear or reappear. Parts of this planet was slowly being enveloped by grey masses. Could have been cloud but it did not necessarily look like clouds as it was all 1 uniform color all over the world and it did not have any fading to it. It was a solid dark grey that was patching the planet. I got the feeling as if I was looking at this planet with time was moving at an incredible pace and I saw the Fast Forward to the planet through the decades, perhaps even hundreds of years. It moved so fast before my eyes and I was fixed on this Fast Forward of the change in geography for quite some time, albeit in slight confusion more than fascination. I finally zoomed out much far enough to see the planet as a whole and wow. Majority of the planet was covered in that solid dark grey blob as opposed to it started out in tiny blogs. I started to get frightened on what or why of the cause of this.
If I was able to see the planet as a whole, then that means I am finally in outer space! This is when I got hella excited because I (being lucid) hadn't had a dream being in outer space for an extremely long time. Talking years. So I decided to zoom around the cosmos.
I don't think I even got far but just in the "neighborhood" as they say. I zoomed to take a look at other planets and various other space clouds that had a dark purple/blue tone to what I was able to see. While I was fangirling the universe, I had this sinking feeling of that same microscopic feeling of my existence. I felt so tiny and miniscule as if at any point I could get squashed by a hurtling meteorite millions of time my size. Not an exaggeration, I seriously felt that tiny.
I tried to not let it phase me and tried to enjoy myself and awed by the beauty of outer space. In the beginning of my trip, I saw what resembled a black hole but ignored it but at the very end after I saw all the neat space stuff, my curiousity got the better of me and I wanted to see what it really felt like to go in a black hole. So my dumb ass made the bee line towards it.
The black hole looked so small from so far away and had a dark purple tinge to it. It was almost hypnotizing to how intrigued I was. However, the closer I got to this black hole, the more FORCE it had. I felt the abruptly immense change in gravitational force. It was incredible to experience that strong force! I also noticed that accompanied with the feeling of that force, I felt my change in breathing. Weird. I was struggling to breath and this black hole was literally sucking the air out of my lungs! I know you can't breathe in outer space.
Really, though. It was crazy how quickly and immense these effects were and I got closer and closer and before I knew it, I was at the point where I realized I was finally entering this fucking black hole. Dead ass.
I gasped awake. However, I was still in my dreamstate!!! The freaky part is that when I woke up, I woke up in this research/hospital like center. I was in a white room and jesus christ everything in this room was white. I was on a white bed, white covers. I gasped for air as I awoke and I was shooketh. I looked to my right and there is a woman wearing all white typing on a computer or something and the only thing she said was "Sorry, looks like it didn't pan out well for you." Or something along those lines to refer to the abrupt awakening. I was freaked out.
And then I woke up FOR REAL this time. This entire dream was during a 20 minute nap. Crazy!!!!!