Friday, December 29, 2023

Mayan Dream

Date of Dream: Unknown
Dream from my Archives

I was watching, as if I were a camera, some old Indian or Mayan tribe. They noticed there was simply too many people on earth, so one decided for depopulation. Many left the tribe and ran off. Others who stayed got killed off until their desired number seemed fit.

This part really creeps me out. The leader of this tribe walked out, I see headstones just surrounding every inch of my vision. This leader had a person trapped to his back in a curled fetal position. He took him off and he just magically straightened but he was stiff. This dude was the origin of the depopulation idea and upon his request, he was frozen in his body, not dead but eternally alive. Someone asked how that was possible and the leader held up a green rectangular sitting vertical necklace. I wish I remembered what he said it was called.....I am just kicking myself for not remembering that name!!! He explained that upon wearing the necklace, his body becomes instantaneously frozen but he is very well conscious. Kinda looked like this guy.

I look at body and I see what looks like an ancient mummy that looks brown, even shiny, but I did see his abnormally huge eyeballs shift around looking at all of his surroundings. The body itself was shaking immensely as of he wanted to move again but it was clear he was bond to be motionless forever.