Thursday, January 12, 2023

The Girl in Blue

Date of Dream: January 12, 2023

I was in a huge complex. I stepped outside and I remember seeing pretty broad decorations. On the 2nd floor I looked up at one it I saw a scary clown that resembled Pennywise the clown from Stephen Kings It. Any way as I was walking back to my door I saw a woman come out of a door to my left and knocked on my door. Since I was already there I went up to her and said " Hey, I live here, what can I help you with?" And this girl just stared at me. She was about my height, had tan skin so she looked either Mexican or Persian but her eyes looked weird. They were blood shot red but her facial expression looked disturbing. She gave such a creepy smile. I repeated myself and she has never said a word at all. I then decided to put myself between the door so she wouldn't sneak in. A couple of people nearby noticed and tried to restrain her. I took this opportunity to try to run inside. I had this weird feeling each time I was close to closing and locking the door that everytime she broke free, time seemed to have slowed down for me and she would always come back and reach the door. This happened two times. The surrounding people were now gone. She was thrown to the stairs nearby and her whole body contortion tripped me out. Her mannerisms didn't even look human. Disturbing. Looked like I finally had ample time and time flowed fast running back to the door but when it came time to close and lock it she moved quickly and reached the door at godspeed. I was so helpless I remember doing my last resort to hold my hand up in front of her and say "The power of Christ compels you!" I said it in such a cringe meme way too. Bruh. She disappeared in an instant! Shocked, I finally ran back to my door and successfully closed and locked it with ease.

I woke up.

Also, I'm atheist so WHAT THE FUCK