Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Dad and the Store Dream

Current dream. Date of dream: January 17, 2023

I was in a car with my family. I was in the passenger seat and I look to my left and it's my dad! He's driving. (He's passed away IRL) We were on paved roads and then he says to me that we're now going to drive in the "ghetto" or some equivalent to that word. We went from paved roads to a dirt road now. I was expecting more of being in a dangerous area but it was really more along the lines of dilapidated or extremely low quality houses and businesses we passed by. I recalled passing by an auto shop. For some reason it really gave me the creeps. Not in a fearing for my safety but more of this area is abandoned and unkempt. Very outdated and dirty everywhere. We then drove to a shopping strip where it seemed to have the same environment but at the same time it felt weirdly nostalgic to me.

I was looking wide eyed at it as if I unlocked a special core memory there. I can still remember feeling so amazed as if I haven't been in this once loving area in literal years.

So we all went inside a store or some Mexican mercado of sorts. We grabbed with white styrophone cup with some weird soup in it and my dad went to the counter to pay. I could now see his entirety of his face and body. He had clothes I recalled seeing him wearing in an old photo IRL. A black rock radio station t shirt very outdated but it was current at the time of the IRL picture that he wore in my dream. He was also looking like the slim body build which is exactly like the picture. Myself was in my younger elementary aged body (I was 6 at the time he died).So in this dream I was my 6 year old self. I remember hovering up a little by some unknown force and bear hugged him from behind. My hands wrapped around his upper chest and gave him such the warmest hug I could possibly give. As soon as I hugged him I said "I love you daddy." And buried my face in his back. I remember feeling so much warmth and love to see my dad again. I don't recall him reacting to hugging him but regardless I still felt happiness and at peace just at the opportunity to hug him.

I woke up.