Date of dream unknown
Dream from my archives
I somehow escaped with another man and we escaped in a government looking car. At first I thought, no way would we be able to escape but the man said that this is the goverment owned car with miraculous speed and agility. This car had no wheels this was a car like hundreds of years in the future. it was rounded and glided smoothly that traveled a great distance in a short time. I looked out the window and as I was driving, I saw ahead of a highway-like transportation road. There were many lanes with many cars coming and going in god-like speed. I thought, maybe if we are fast enough we can get out of here. I then said out loud "This is the farthest anyone has got to get out of space." Space? really? did I just really say that? So in our best hopes we sped as fast as we possibly could and get through to the other was too late.
The next thing I saw through an outsiders eyes. In order to get through to the other side we had to pass through this massive machine/robot. It was unbelievely huge. Like War of the Worlds machine, huge!! This robot or whatever it is had tentacles for each lane. Each car had to provide some sort of pass or identification for it to get a FLASH of flash to get through. So back to the outsiders eyes. Our car tried to speed right through this creature in an unspeakable high speed and in a blip of a second...this machine sent in a beam and our car exploded.