Friday, August 25, 2023

Demon Says Dream

Current Dream

A group of teenaged friends, all are asian, are on black pavement. Looks particularly eerie because the sky is dark grey, almost black. The ground they are walking on is black pavement. There's 3 of the friends walking along appearing they know exactly their destination is.

The further they walk along this black pavement, it tapers off into ever darker woods where they enter a house. However, the second they enter the house, time seems to change. Everytime they attempted to leave time seemed to slow down drastically obviously preventing their exit. A demonic entity appeared to them and says that all 3 of them must pass an individual game of torture before they are granted permission to leave.

It was really sick. Like watching a horror movie. One of them had to impale their hand. I forgot the 2nd one but the final one, a guy did the last one. He had the worst of them all. He had to willingly gouge his own eye out or else no one would leave. He painstakingly took a screwdriver and indeed ripped his right eye out of his socket and screaming in unbearable pain.

And just like that, this demonic entity, allowed all three bloodied teenagers to leave.

I don't even understand why but some time goes by where they all consciously GO BACK TO THE HOUSE!!!!!!! I think one of them had a baby with them. Sure enough, the demon appears and talks in his gutteral voice.

I woke up before I could remember anything else.