Current Dream
I took like literally a cat nap this morning and I actually was able to remember this micro dream.
Nothing special. I was just lucid dreaming. I looked up and wanted to see how the night sky and in a flash of a second, the house roof completely disappeared and the sky was revealed. It was a dim and smokey dark purple cloudy sky.
Have you ever just laid down on somewhere flat and just star gazed or looked up at the clouds and suddenly felt like an ant as the this void is so immense? Yeah.
I felt a tinge of terror for a hot second because the sky/space felt immeasureably vast like my brain just could not compute how immense it was meanwhile I felt like such an insignificant speck. It was a beautiful sight nonetheless.
Scene switched where I was now shown a black and white drawing on the wall. It was a depiction of a house, very simple. This seemed intentional like I was supposed to "change" it. So, while still being lucid, I concentrated on this picture and wanted to see something scary. Instantaneously, the picture on the wall went roaring to life. It looked as if wind was blowing (like a severe thunderstorm or hurricane) It was so abrupt and violent and everything moved so fast, it honestly scared me.
I switched my thoughts to try to think more calming thoughts and the picture did slow down a bit, albeit not completely but at least I was no longer panicking.
Then I woke up.
Different from my traditional dream recollections since this was extremely brief but if felt a little important enough to document here.