Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Space Hell Deam

Date of Dream Unknown
Dream from my Archives

I had an amazing dream that I was in SPACE! It was only myself. Even though I had no physical body the thing I instantly realized it was my soul I suppose wandering the cosmos. There was heavy metal music blazing and I was incredibly intrigued almost like my dream come true, having to experience my 2 passions in life! MY soul traveled great distances I got to see awesome sights of the universe it was so breath taking. I looked to my side and I see clusters among clusters of meteors. That must of been millions of those I thought to myself. I was having the time of my life that is until......after looking at the meters and rocks around me I then saw from a great distance red gases. It quickly formed into 2 eyes and a smile directing right at me.

Urgency was just eminating from me. I spent the remainder of the time searching franticly for a way to get out for all I knew I was in tempted in HELL! I then found the whitest clouds ever! The thought didn't cross my mind why CLOUDS where in space as far as I was concerned that was Heaven.

I went closer and closer. The metal music played and for a split second I nearly got tempted again. Yet the louder the heavy metal was playing more darkness was consuming the white clouds. I didn't want the white clouds to go away. I convinced myself to tune out the music and quickly I became closer to these white clouds. I landed on super green grass and the sky was so baby blue I HAD A BODY AGAIN!!! A rush of feelings went through my head that there wasn't a such thing a sin. Wow. No arguements, no murders and no war.

Note: I was in high school when I had this dream 20ish years ago so these christian wordings was before I became atheist.