Dreamt May 28th, 2023
So in this dream, I had this fight with one of my friends. It was a little scary because in this dream in the middle of an argument, I snapped and attacked him. I took a saw or something and cut half his shoulder off. It was still connected but a piece of bone was sticking out and he weirdly seemed chill about it. As in, he didn't hate me. He was just sitting there looking at his gaping wound.
Meanwhile I just was filled with instant guilt that I let it escalate that far. His wound wasn't terribly bloody or anything but it was strange to see his shoulder blade in such gruesome detail. I could see the insides of the muscles but the bone sticking out was freakishly white as hell it looked so movie fake! His family wanted to kick my ass, as they rightfully should. It was such a grueling sight.