Saturday, January 21, 2012

Vampire Mindfuck Dream

This dream began as a simple normal looking brunette walking around her house past bed time. She was in her 20s. A vampire attacked and bit her. This vampire looked so nasty!! Huge eyes and mouth with sharp teeth but the mmost distinguishing feature was its face. All the skin was peeled off and it was like rotting bloody flesh covering its entire face. This brunet was now like hypnotized. They were speaking in an unknown language tto mme. In a split second, the brunnet ripped put her own heart as she copied the vampire (keep in mind the brunette is still normal looking).

Very similar interpretation of the vampires
-Courtesy of Little Monsters (great movie)
The vampire ate its own heart and told the girl to eat hers. She hesitated and said no and then took a "lick" in which she flipped the switch and her face instantaneously turns into a vampire and devours hers whole.

Switch of scene, still dark, a group of normal looking people guide the brunette in this dark and lurky forest/swamp. The now normal looking brunette is urged by the group to walk alone. She suddenly sees a very disgusting looking vampire rise out of this swamp, the brunettes true vampire face comes out. They both converse. Then some black guy shanks her in the back!! And down dies the brunette.

Here's the twist to my dream....the guy who killed her ALSO turned out to bbe a vampire. So his true form comes out. The swamp vampire says to him to bring him another girl (he said the name by I forgot). The guy raises his hand palm facing the swamp and i see an ugly green pupil EYE emerge from his left palm!!! This guy next takes his knife and slits just under the eye, as if he is making the eye smile.

Fucking creepy as shit, and then I woke up and it was still night time. Fucking wack dream.