Saturday, January 28, 2012

Pimps of Death Dream

*Originally Dreamt March 9, 2011*

I was inside an apartment with my sister, her boyfriend, their 4 kids, myself and my son. A look outside my window, I see a frightening startle. Four guys dressed in all dark clothes and scary looking masks on. The masks were military-like gas masks. I now hear screaming. Without thinking, I ran outside to see what they were doing. They had big guns spraying people with a red liquid. And others were getting abducted and dragged away by these terrorist men. I was scared since I saw children were involved with being sprayed and abducted.

Hey, it's the JabbawockeeZ!
Close to the interpretation of the terrorist men in my dream

I ran. One of them saw me and jolted after me. He caught up fast and grabbed me. I struffled with all my might while calling out "ADAM!" for help mamy times over. Seemed like the seconds were ticking like hours but I finally saw hm running to my aid. The man still didnt let go of me. An asian man with long black hair was suddemly running aside Adam was when the man was intimidated enough to let me go. I immediately run back home only to find the sky turned to an immediate night. The homes transforms into small cramped cages, which held everyone. I tried looking for my phone and wait until they were gone to call for help.

Despite all my rage, I am still a rat in a cage

The 4 men were in a jeep now and passed and sprayed everyone with the red liquid. Even us. I turned my back when they sprayed turned again when I saw my sister protecting my son who was standing right behind her. I now see a ladder, climbed up and there was all red atop.. Crazy rap music was playing with a woman dancing at the mini box as if in a music video. Even though it was a hiding spot I clumbed back down to endure the pain with my family. Guilty conscience if I stayed.

I got my phone and dialed 911. in the middle of the call, I look back to the parking lot caged were facing and I see about 4 men standing in front of their cars. They had an evil ense of power before. Strikingly all were wearing different colors. 1 in all green, 1 in all white, blue and red. All blacks guys were dressed like pimps. They all stood motionless as if they were guarding us while we were in the cages. A little while later, one proceeded to take out his guns and pointed at the first cage and shot non stop for their 1st victims. *LUCID DREAMING KICKED IN AT THIS POINT* I refused to sit and watch they get to us for my family to be shot to death in my own dream so I shake my head non stop repeating to myself to wake up. Honestly, felt like forever. Everything in my eyes went black and I see my own sihiloette shaking my head.

What one of the pimps looked like

The next scene, the conclusion, had a more calmer atmosphere. Same scene though. The floor of the same parking lot suddenly RIPPED OPEN! Undercover cops.Relief and calmness everywhere now. Will Smith and Martin Lawrenece (From friggin Bad Boys) appeared to have been hiding underneath the ground. The entire ground now swished back and forth like an ocean of jello. Theme song to COPS is now echoing haha. Terrorists getting busted swarms of cops. Alas, a happy ending and I was able to finally wake up from my dream in a relaxed and peaceful mood.