Saturday, January 28, 2012

Mutiny Dream

Wow it's been like years it feels like last I had a black and white dream!!!

I probably should have been creeped out or scared from this dream but you know me.....

It was in black and white (duh) and I see before me soldiers but they were give you more detail of what they looked liked, they resembled the craptacular "aliens" in the movie John Carpenter's "They Live!". Anyway, it had one man lecturing these weird looking soldiers about how he wanted to assassinate our president. Wack thing is, all the soldiers agreed!!

Close interpretation of the soldiers
courtesy of John Carpenter's 'They Live'

The leader was normal looking with a normal face and the camera view shifted to these somehow mutated soldiers (it was never clear to me why they looked so wack) and I noticed that not one of these soldiers had EYES. It was like deep pitch black empty pits where their eye balls were supposed to be. Their skin also looked worn down...almost anerexic like. This leader then stood within this group of soldiers and I gradually sees his face morph and twitch into looking like the rest of them..

"Alright, lets go."

And everyone marches under this tunnel. I was the last in line. I gander at the walls of.the tunnel and right before my eyes a writing just instantly appeared on the wall to my.left.

"January 30, 2084"