Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Death of a Baby Dream

*Originally dreamt February 14, 2008*
I was on the 3rd floor at my apartments sitting on the stairs and I see this guy walking to his door and knock. The thing is, when the door opened and his son came out, he just walked the other way instead of going in. The little boy was probably 2-3 years old and running after him and kept saying "Daddy." He wouldn't listen but kept going. The little boy was getting closer to me and stepped on the stairs and he....tripped. He tripped right in front of me....and I caught him with both my hands. He sat in my lap for a while but got back up to go back to his dad. He was going back in my direction again. The little was right in front of me and very distressed and then......he tripped again but I didn't catch him in time. He fell from the 3rd floor to his death.
Worst dream ever.