Thursday, November 17, 2011

Black Beach Dream

Originally dreamt 7/22/2011

We were riding inside a car
To the left of me I see Lady GaGa and Madonna. They were both aggressively wrestling each other with Madonna dominating. It was obvious both were not in a sane state and were acting strangely hypnotized. Madonna then dangled Lady GaGa out the window. Weird fact was whileshe was dangling her out the window she had bloody red hair. She finally let's go of Lady GaGa and I turn around looking at the back window. She is on the sidewalk looking tripped out of her mind and stumbles while she tries to run back to the car. Stupid traffic was slow so she caught up to us.

This part creeped me out, Lady GaGa says go her in a weird hazy tone "I am sorry. Were you trying to protect me? I am so sorry I want to back with you." She was saying. This while she was desperately trying to get a hold of her.

Very calmly Madonna replies back in this weird cult like conviction "It is too late. This is how it is meant to be. If the world wants this to happen, then it will happen." And GaGa silently let go and fell back on the ground among traffic.

I look at Madonna again and her hair is back to being blond like the beginning of my dream. Then, a little girl dressed in red goes IP to Madonna and says she wants to shoot me because I was sitting next to her ad probably know too much. I threw the girl out and traffic picked up and I told the driver to haul ass!!

This is the real freaky part........

Madonna disappears from the car and it comes to a stop. I get put of the car, we are at a beautiful beach!! It was bright and sunny. My body transformed into a little girl around 7 years old.

I run towards this beautiful beach barefoot. To my horror, the sky hastily transformed to a dark grey but it was the pitch black clouds that occupied nearly the entire sky. The water was also pitch black. Not one person was in this water. Scarier still, an immense crowd of people stood at the shore line. All were looking up at the black sky in complete silence.

Next, I heard this crowd robotically say in unison "Three Thousand " so cold and without emotion. They sounded like a brainwashed cult. I then saw a weird hologram in the sky, appeared to be frigging OPRAH talking away. I couldn't make out what was being said.

I woke up.