Dream from the Archives
Date of dream: Unknown ~2000
It began as a man and wife, it started as a man running down the neighborhood with african americans chasing him and others were waiting for him up ahead. He stops running as he sees his wife just standing there looking calm and stuff and points to the house she's standing next to saying she wants that house. He was reluctant because the houses before that he had seen he got a bad vibe from "Well at least it's 3 doors down from that house. And he told her how spooked he was from that house because it was so dark and doors had opened and he had experiences apparitions and other evil presences.
So they continued to live in the house the wife pointed out earlier but soon began to manifest itself. A seperate family lived there too but seemed to always stay in the 1st living room, the only room where there was light. The wife was frequently in the second living room, with no light and refused to turn on the TV. So apparently no other lights in the house would or maybe could work.
Next scene both are in an attic-like room where both feel the most creeps in one area in the entire house. Husband opens a tiny door to the fireplace to probably load it or something as his wife watches him. The second she turns away and then looks back she notices the door closed itself back (and locked it) So he continues to do his thing and re-open it. They go back upstairs and even spookier things happen. The other "family" weren't present at the time and doors flung open. They had a security alarm but it didn't go off, the big map on their wall next to the door just showed a jumbled of green dots in random places. The hudband went to close the door the opposite side of the house and the woman went to close the closest door to her but when she closed it, outside she saw a ghost (or entity) of an elderly man in red dust-like appearance hovering, no scared of it, she slammed the door hoping to show her assertivness and never come back.
Things unravel and the neighborhood was in on it the whole time. It was daytime now and the man and wife were running as the afican americans of all ages were chasing and chasing them. There was a real stupid part where the wife says to her husband "Look at that, the old people can run hella faster than the rest." Then some old guy tackles her down and...get this...Montel Jordan takles the husband. Then they blanked out.
Both wake up in a forest-like enviroment to one white elderly man dressed like a hardcore cowboy and two other men in a different area. The cowboy takes a gun and shoots says the next scream they make he will shoot them. So he shot the husband and then the wife dead. The next scene you see the dust appearance images of both the husband and wife in the moonlight holding each other and in the background three horsemen rapidly run up to them with a rope of fire and 2 of them snatch their bodies and vanish as they ride in the night.
An unknown time after this incident, it is shown a very sunny beach-ful day and seen a man in black clothing climbing a cliff as a Beatles song is playing in the background. The lyrics highly suggested Rapture went something like "2 weeks gone, where did she go? She rises in the clouds, She could see the sun from heaven.." The man in black makes it to the top of the cliff and the members of the Beatles are there, you can't see there faces but you know it's them from the big sunglasses, accents, and the smooth, straight hair to one side. This man in black recommends them a guy (the husband in the beginning to be precise) and the man gently moves from the cliff to land smoothly and walks away. One member was already on the cliff as well and was struggling to get up...a couple moments later he succeeds. The second his foot steps off the cliff, it shows a humongus (sp?) book shelf fall making a tremendous noise and shake....signaling the coming of the rapture. At the end of this showed a black and white alien-looking creature with horns on his head and hisses towards the camera, in that case, is me.
I woke up.