Monday, December 23, 2024

Chase *Lucid Dream*

Date of Dream: Unknown
Dream from my archives

What I love most about myself and the little I know to control my dreams is that I (mostly) have the ability to get out of a progressing nightmare.

I've done it before.

My dream last night was getting scary because I was outside at an apartments at the dark of night and a group of people from all corners just emerged from the shadows. At first I was all by myself and the next second I am holding a BABY! Not certain if it was (my baby) or some random baby but that didn't matter to me I had the baby in my arms and was willing to protect this baby at all cost. The people began shooting at me and so I took off running and I looked back a big group of people were chasing me. I ran to the very front of the apartments and I just ran inside the closest apartment. Seriously peculiar because the door was wide open and classic rock music was blazing loudly and the apartment itself seemed to have been occupied with people's belongings. Weird enough, I couldn't find anyone in this apartment, it was strangely empty but that was the least of my problems and so I took myself and this baby in a closet. The closet was facing the front door and so I left it a crack open and a few seconds later after crouching down in a closest I see through the crack of the door facing the front door and I see men sneaking in this apartment and I saw they had guns on them.

Then I snapped back to reality. I instantly come to thought that this is a dream and not real and so I close my eyes and force myself to get out of this dream because if the evil men find us..I sure as hell don't want to stick around to see what they will do. Literally in a blink of an eye the dream vanished and when I open my eyes again.....another dream, another surround, no more baby in my arms.

I've been able to do this since I was little, before I even knew there was a word for it but it felt awesome I could get out of a nightmare. I could only think of 1 time where it didn't was a graphic dream about rapture. That was a shitily scary dream if I'd say so myself.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Vampire Infiltration Dream

Date of dream unknown
Dream from my archives

Started out in summer camp, time was past midnight and everyone was up. Some reason there was a funeral home on that ground. The light in the funeral home was crimson red and a teenage girl was by a casket and she discovered the body was missing. Two grown ups a man and woman ran up to her...that didn't bother to wipe their mouths dripping with blood. Both were trying to persuade her not to report the missing body. Three walked out and the girl knew all the grown ups were vampires but it was obvious they didn't know that she knew the fact, or else they would have finished her right then and there. She rushed outside and fearing that the thought would click in their heads any instant she ran in the night into a refuge.

This refuge was like a room in a tree, whom she shared with another guy, she climbing the stepping block to share to the guy what happened. Meanwhile one of the grown ups knew the whereabouts of both and shined the light at the top of the tree and for some reason turned and walked back from where this nameless woman came from.

The next morning the same two kids devised a plan to escape and cut down the very tree they stayed in the night before. Eventually they made it into a boat. Right when he put the boat in the water, a chunky woman approaches them when she sees this and yells at them and other kids caught in the mix and she has a gun in her hands already pointed at the guy. So the kids battle against her and the gun slips from her hands. A girl takes the gun and it doesn't shoot! She sees a metal ball at the tip of the gun and when the woman is down on the floor, she leans the gun to her head and the metal ball lands on her forehead and boils and melts then dies as her eye balls turn a milky white color and stops moving. For reassurance she puts multiple metal balls on her but had no effect because she was already dead.

The sad thing about this was while that was going on an african american little boy fell in a pond filled with black water and a skeleton rose and held him down until he drowned. That was so tragic and sad because everybody else was fixated on the woman with the gun that couldn't shoot directly.

So anyway it went back to the room with bunckbeds and stuff. Back at night again. The girl secretely had a baby (didn't know that was possibly) and it was her boyfriends that he has no idea the baby is his and she is trying to hide that from him. She avoids sleeping with him a night and sleeps across the room from him while she holds her baby in her arms and sleeps. The next day more people come in, one guy in particular a military guy that frequently talks to this girl. Well eventually the boyfriend finds out the baby is his and he breaks up with her and she rants to the military guy. It was very insinuated that they had a thing for each other but never showed it. Well there was a growing problem of missing and decreasing number of people in the camp. That was too alarming. More people still there were becomming the more aware of the vampires that existed in the adults, not the teenagers.

Then I woke up.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Human Junkyard Dream

Date of Dream: July 12, 2024
Current Dream Recollection 

So I was riding in a car with a few people and we turned on this gravel road out in the country expecting to visit someone but what we were met with instantly made our blood run cold. 

It was some human farm.

To our left we saw grown men in cramped overcrowded cages. They were all very much alive but had this look of paralyzed fear. The small cage was filled to the top. No standing room either, the men were crouched down and one man was holding on to the bars with both of his hands.

We looked further and it was even worse. We saw a headless torso on display laying flat on a small table or cannister in direct view of us. It was extremely grotesque looking. So many disgusting bloodied body parts were strewn around this what looked like a human junkyard. It was so awful!

We motioned to GTFO and back out. As we were backing out, we saw what appeared to be cheesy looking 80s style zombies slowly walking towards us. Our car was moving along fast enough so 1 caught up with us. I was sitting in the back staring in horror hoping it wouldn't break in. But then I remember we were I a car and a force field that is the aforementioned car put an immediate block on the zombie.

We slowly made our way out....but we were in a hallway?? Yes, we were still in the car but it was like we were now in a building. We saw a mid 20s to 30s white woman turn down the hallway and walk right towards the human junkyard. I was now the driver and told the woman passing to NOT GO IN THERE. She didn't question it nor put up a fight to why. She was rather chill about it. I offered her a ride and she sat in the passengers seat. While she was buckling her seat belt I asked her if she was medically certified for some reason??? Not sure why or if that made a difference in having her in the car but she surprisingly said yes.

Just about when we were about to take off, we saw a younger dark skinned gentleman also turn the corner and I also tried to warn him not to proceed. 

I woke up. 

Monday, July 1, 2024

2 Sleep Paralysis Experiences

Date of Sleep Paralysis Experiences: Unknown; Mid 2008~
From My Archives 

(These took place when I while I was transitioning from christian to atheist)

Sleep Paralysis Experience #1

This one freaked me out THE MOST. I'd like to believe it was just a dream but the symptoms I experienced is of sleep paralysis but the things that happened just couldn't add up. Why would I dream of having a sleep paralysis especially when it happened again a few months later? So from that cray experience it's so hard to tell what's real or not.

Anyway I was sleeping in my boyfriend's room. I "woke" up in the middle of the night. I couldn't move at all. Not one muscle of my body. It was pitch black at first. As if that didn't scare enough I immeditely heard demonic whispers. It really sounded like a completely different language to me. The whispers sounded really close to me and I was scared I didn't know who was whispering HOW many there were or what they were saying. There was definetly a demonic feeling inside of me. As much as I wanted to get up and run away I couldn't my body was stiff. And then.

I looked at the ceiling and I saw a light. It was a big circle of light. At the same time I saw the light there was a silouete of a hand stretched out and motionless. It was a really big hand I thought to myself. A surge of fear went right through me and I thought in my head "I must change my ways I don't want to be in hell..." As soon as I finished the thought...I woke up from the dream.

Sleep Paralysis Experience #2

A few months later that's when my son was born. He was only about 3 months old. One night I woke up again. I was sleeping on my side and I was facing my son who was soundly asleep. Yet again, I couldn't move. I was on my SIDE! Still I couldn't move nor have any feeling in my body. Suddenly I was a strange feeling that someone was watching me. Like an evil prescence that just entered my room. I was really curious but even if I wanted to turn around and look I COULDNT!! And then a weird thought in my head came about, it seriously wasn't me, it was a systematic message "If you close your eyes, you'll be in Hell." At the time being the middle of the night I was so sleepy. I just wanted to go back to sleep. I closed my eyes. In those extremely few seconds I felt a very compelling rapidly falling sensation. My body felt extremely light at the same time it felt like my body was traveling such a great distance. MY eyes were closed maybe about 2 seconds....the scariest 2 seconds in my life. I instantly opened my eyes not even thinking at all if I would like what I'd see but to me, I just wanted to see my son.

To my great surprised there he was. Still soundly asleep. That's when I thought about it. Ugh, shivers ran down my spine the single thing I COULD feel.

Saturday, June 15, 2024

Souls in the Forest Dream

Date of dream: June 15, 2024
Current Dream

It was night time and I was sitting in a circle of 3 to 4 other peers 1 guy and 2 women I think. One girl (introduced to herself as Alex?) initiated conversation about me talking how she is friends (even BFFs) with my sis in law, A. I hate A so I rolled my eyes and looked the other way while she was complimenting her how nice she is and how she often has to stick up for her when she gets herself in trouble. Almost in the same sentence she mentions the word "dream" which triggered me to ask Alex "Do you ever dream of being in a dark forest?" She quickly says yes.

"Like this over there!"

I pointed to my right because,  well we were literally in the dark forest and it was extremely dark we couldn't see through and could only see the faint light from above. As dark as the forest was, there was an almost perfect circle cutout area where we were sitting. The dark trees were all evenly outlining the outside of the circle. So that was weird. It was like someone took a cookie cutter and removed this area in the dark forest that we were now conversing in.

Looking at the clouds, it had a sunsetting glow. I didn't see any sun but I saw a small fraction of the clouds had the most gorgeous shades of pale orange and hot pink in the distance. Itwas rather vibrant. It looked pretty damn close to this:

When my eyes turned back to the dark forest, we saw swirls of wispy white clouds that was ground level. It was uneven almost like a tornado but my mind at the time never once thought of it as a tornado because it was infact souls. Not sure if any one in the group said it but it may have been imprinted in my subconscious. There was uneven wispy souls rapidly going in the same direction but different trajectories at the same time. Some of us got intrigued and walked over there to the area and stand in it, including myself. I was pretty entranced by it and it was a very peculiar yet thrilling experience.

As soon as I stepped inside and those white wispy souls flew, they literally just flew in and out of me and I felt their transference of energy. The bigger the souls/wispy clouds, the much intensity of it felt. I went through the thick group of souls at least once (maybe twice) and when it through my entire body I felt a strange feeling of just how immense of a number of souls that were in in the hundreds at least! The intensity was strong, it knocked me off my feet and almost to the ground. It was very, very peculiar and felt very spiritual. 

I tried to wake up to remember and write down this dream but funny thing along the way there...I had a false awakening and in this next dream I was seen trying to recall and write down this exact dream until I found I was still dreaming!!! LoL.

Then I woke up for real this time.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Teen Son As A Baby Dream

Date dreamt: June 3, 2024
Current Dream

Brief Dream but I felt so overwhelmed by emotions. In this dream I woke up in the middle of the night and heard a baby cry. Something particular about this cry concerned me. The cry was long and drawn out and sounded exhausted as if the baby had been crying a while already. 

I immediately got out of bed and put on a gray robe and I walked over to the door on my right and opened it. As soon as I opened the door, there was a warm yellow night light already on to the left of the room and in the light clear as day I saw my teenaged son. Except he was his 2 year old self. I saw him sitting there by himself on the bed with swollen red eyes like he had been crying a long time. I didn't even catch him mid cry when I opened the door despite what I heard prior to. It was almost like he had been expecting me for a while. I said to him in the most nurturing mother kind of way "Why are you crying? You are starting to worry mommy."

I looked down and noticed his blanket was on the left side of the floor by the bed (also on the left most side of the room). I asked him if he wanted me to put the blanket over him and tuck him in. He said yes and started moving into a laying down position for bed. As I was grabbing the blanket I told him that he next time he needed anything he needs to go to our room and walk through to ask us. 

Then I woke up. 

No idea why but I took this way harder than I should have upon waking up. I cannot stop crying thinking back on this dream. It was overwhelming for the fact I heard my baby cry and seeing the despair on his face. It was more regret that I wished I stayed in the dream longer so I could pick him up and hug him and kiss him and tell him mommy loves him and that everything is going to be okay. It almost felt like it was connected to another dream I had of my son as a baby where the dream ended when I set him down to bed after we had a long nurturing mother to son talk about life and stuff. I also woke up crying because I never got to saya proper goodnight. Both dreams felt super connected and sensitive to me as I feel such a strong spiritual connection to my son as a baby.  Both dreams I woke up thinking to myself that I wanted to go back to the dream for the proper closure.

I'm still crying as I'm typing this out. Just felt so surreal.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

The Volcano & The Tsunami Dream

Date of Dream: May 7, 2024
Current Dream

All I can remember is being in this murky water. I was not the only one, there was a plethora of people I was surrounded by. I believe my mother was right next to me. The sky was smoky as all hell with the deepest shade of grey you can possibly imagine. There was some kind of catastrophe that occurred before I came to and it was like I teleported there right in the middle of it. I saw a volcano which we were far enough to not get directly impacted but OMG this was an immense sized volcano and sure was big enough for me to get scared. Before I could process anything else, a tsunami formed but to my horror, the wave was hundreds of feet high in the high. 

I have never been so scared in all my life seeing it being high in the sky as it reached. I braced for impact and tried to go under a shallow cover but did nothing to help. When it landed, we all felt a huge force of water but not as soul shattering as expected. The force simply did not match what we saw and prepared for.

Next was the volcano. We heard an ungodly amount of guttural in that eruption. It was just insane for 2 major events to be happening in quick succession. It was so close yet so far. The volcano seemed to have erupted and a plume of smoke was emanating wow but it was so close and the sound was reverberating through my ears and I shuddered throughout my whole body. Everyone is still in the water and panicking.

I woke up.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

What Triggered Rapture Dream

Dream from the Archives
Date of dream: Unknown ~2000

It began as a man and wife, it started as a man running down the neighborhood with african americans chasing him and others were waiting for him up ahead. He stops running as he sees his wife just standing there looking calm and stuff and points to the house she's standing next to saying she wants that house. He was reluctant because the houses before that he had seen he got a bad vibe from "Well at least it's 3 doors down from that house. And he told her how spooked he was from that house because it was so dark and doors had opened and he had experiences apparitions and other evil presences.

So they continued to live in the house the wife pointed out earlier but soon began to manifest itself. A seperate family lived there too but seemed to always stay in the 1st living room, the only room where there was light. The wife was frequently in the second living room, with no light and refused to turn on the TV. So apparently no other lights in the house would or maybe could work.

Next scene both are in an attic-like room where both feel the most creeps in one area in the entire house. Husband opens a tiny door to the fireplace to probably load it or something as his wife watches him. The second she turns away and then looks back she notices the door closed itself back (and locked it) So he continues to do his thing and re-open it. They go back upstairs and even spookier things happen. The other "family" weren't present at the time and doors flung open. They had a security alarm but it didn't go off, the big map on their wall next to the door just showed a jumbled of green dots in random places. The hudband went to close the door the opposite side of the house and the woman went to close the closest door to her but when she closed it, outside she saw a ghost (or entity) of an elderly man in red dust-like appearance hovering, no scared of it, she slammed the door hoping to show her assertivness and never come back.

Things unravel and the neighborhood was in on it the whole time. It was daytime now and the man and wife were running as the afican americans of all ages were chasing and chasing them. There was a real stupid part where the wife says to her husband "Look at that, the old people can run hella faster than the rest." Then some old guy tackles her down and...get this...Montel Jordan takles the husband. Then they blanked out.

Both wake up in a forest-like enviroment to one white elderly man dressed like a hardcore cowboy and two other men in a different area. The cowboy takes a gun and shoots says the next scream they make he will shoot them. So he shot the husband and then the wife dead. The next scene you see the dust appearance images of both the husband and wife in the moonlight holding each other and in the background three horsemen rapidly run up to them with a rope of fire and 2 of them snatch their bodies and vanish as they ride in the night.

An unknown time after this incident, it is shown a very sunny beach-ful day and seen a man in black clothing climbing a cliff as a Beatles song is playing in the background. The lyrics highly suggested Rapture went something like "2 weeks gone, where did she go? She rises in the clouds, She could see the sun from heaven.." The man in black makes it to the top of the cliff and the members of the Beatles are there, you can't see there faces but you know it's them from the big sunglasses, accents, and the smooth, straight hair to one side. This man in black recommends them a guy (the husband in the beginning to be precise) and the man gently moves from the cliff to land smoothly and walks away. One member was already on the cliff as well and was struggling to get up...a couple moments later he succeeds. The second his foot steps off the cliff, it shows a humongus (sp?) book shelf fall making a tremendous noise and shake....signaling the coming of the rapture. At the end of this showed a black and white alien-looking creature with horns on his head and hisses towards the camera, in that case, is me.

I woke up.

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Losing My Teeth Dream

*Dream from my archives*
Date of Dream: Wednesday, December 28, 2011, 9:52 AM

New creepy spin on the elusive teeth type of dream....

In my dream I remember overhearing my brother and sister talk about omens and end of the world shit. My brother, with such conviction, mentioned of some kind of catastrophic event which is signified or revolving around a feather which will feature in a newspaper.

My attention changed as I went to the bathroom and checked out my teeth. I was appalled to see a cavity was forming on my front tooth. I scratch and scratch at it and a partial leaf comes out and I take out the remaining black shit of the cavity out.

It was freaky. Everytime I opened and closed my mouth while looking at the mirror, a new set of teeth would appear. One second it looks decent and the next, it looks fucked. I saw a major chipped tooth and another time where some teeth are two all hillbilly style. It looked alright when I opened and closed. Upon opening another time, this time I was appalled to find my gums covered the entire set of teeth on me. I open and close my mouth and the gums are still there covering my teeth. I leaned in and upon closer inspection and these gums look so scaly with veins protruding a little. So freaky.

I close my mouth yet again and my top lip feels the.ridges and noticeable protrusion as my tongue moves around inspects it. And I had to come to terms that my teeth are now permanently covered in some weird gum-looking shit.

I swear I thought this dream was real. So I was thrilled to wake up from this shit dream and the first thing I did was feel my teeth!

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Death is the New Beginning Dream

 Recent Dream Recollection from Last Night:

This dream honestly felt more spiritual. Hard to explain aside from it just feeling ultra hyper realistic. 

I was in a car with a familiar face. I want to say she was a distance relative. She definitely had a face that gave me comfort and security. Better yet, calmness. She looked at me with a warm smile. I can't recall who else was in the car aside from us 2 but we were driving in the middle of the night. 

We approached what looked like a cemetery. However what I first noticed to my right was a church and the tip of this tall gigantic church was on fire!! Looked like a small controlled fire but it really lit up the sky as the vibrant flames were roaring. It didn't appear the fire was spreading as it seem to only concentrate on a small section.

My eyes returned to the cemetery. I was initially scared about spooky paranormal ghosts be poppin' but it quickly turned to relief. Not exactly sure why. It was just my calmness got restored the further we were in the cemetery.

Next thing I know, we were going to stop by my aforementioned relative's house. We turned into a very darkly lit neighborhood. It should have frightened me as it looked on bit on the ghetto side but it surprisingly did not heighten my alarms. This neighborhood that felt rather dense as the houses seemed very close together, the whole place felt oddly familiar. Almost as if I had been here before. This was also a source of comfort like some kind of deja vu. I remembered thinking to myself that I would to walk with my relative to her door when we get there...

but I woke up before that could happen.

The reason why I titled this dream as Death is the new beginning is because the dream interpretation is that a cemetery can signify a end to a phase and the start of another. I recently started taking my health more seriously so upon waking up, this really resonated with me. The church on fire seems to signify an "attack on your beliefs" which is true because I am scaring myself silly with the "prison planet theory" which I am NOT 100% a believer of but it's a more of a "what if?" that has really starting to get to me.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Krakatoa Dream

Originally dream: Tuesday, February 8, 2011, 9:17 PM
Dream from my Archives

This dream seemed ominous but maybe its my wild imagiation running away. This dream had jumbles of detailed images of a catastropic volcano eruption on Krakotoa. A weird imagery that appeared was that I saw a replica of the White House that rested atop the volcano and before my eyes the disasterous eruption catapulted the White House and disentergrating it whole. The eruption itself was frightening. Showed many people who died as a result.....crazy dream.