Recent Dream Recollection from Last Night:
This dream honestly felt more spiritual. Hard to explain aside from it just feeling ultra hyper realistic.
I was in a car with a familiar face. I want to say she was a distance relative. She definitely had a face that gave me comfort and security. Better yet, calmness. She looked at me with a warm smile. I can't recall who else was in the car aside from us 2 but we were driving in the middle of the night.
We approached what looked like a cemetery. However what I first noticed to my right was a church and the tip of this tall gigantic church was on fire!! Looked like a small controlled fire but it really lit up the sky as the vibrant flames were roaring. It didn't appear the fire was spreading as it seem to only concentrate on a small section.
My eyes returned to the cemetery. I was initially scared about spooky paranormal ghosts be poppin' but it quickly turned to relief. Not exactly sure why. It was just my calmness got restored the further we were in the cemetery.
Next thing I know, we were going to stop by my aforementioned relative's house. We turned into a very darkly lit neighborhood. It should have frightened me as it looked on bit on the ghetto side but it surprisingly did not heighten my alarms. This neighborhood that felt rather dense as the houses seemed very close together, the whole place felt oddly familiar. Almost as if I had been here before. This was also a source of comfort like some kind of deja vu. I remembered thinking to myself that I would to walk with my relative to her door when we get there...
but I woke up before that could happen.
The reason why I titled this dream as Death is the new beginning is because the dream interpretation is that a cemetery can signify a end to a phase and the start of another. I recently started taking my health more seriously so upon waking up, this really resonated with me. The church on fire seems to signify an "attack on your beliefs" which is true because I am scaring myself silly with the "prison planet theory" which I am NOT 100% a believer of but it's a more of a "what if?" that has really starting to get to me.