Monday, July 1, 2024

2 Sleep Paralysis Experiences

Date of Sleep Paralysis Experiences: Unknown; Mid 2008~
From My Archives 

(These took place when I while I was transitioning from christian to atheist)

Sleep Paralysis Experience #1

This one freaked me out THE MOST. I'd like to believe it was just a dream but the symptoms I experienced is of sleep paralysis but the things that happened just couldn't add up. Why would I dream of having a sleep paralysis especially when it happened again a few months later? So from that cray experience it's so hard to tell what's real or not.

Anyway I was sleeping in my boyfriend's room. I "woke" up in the middle of the night. I couldn't move at all. Not one muscle of my body. It was pitch black at first. As if that didn't scare enough I immeditely heard demonic whispers. It really sounded like a completely different language to me. The whispers sounded really close to me and I was scared I didn't know who was whispering HOW many there were or what they were saying. There was definetly a demonic feeling inside of me. As much as I wanted to get up and run away I couldn't my body was stiff. And then.

I looked at the ceiling and I saw a light. It was a big circle of light. At the same time I saw the light there was a silouete of a hand stretched out and motionless. It was a really big hand I thought to myself. A surge of fear went right through me and I thought in my head "I must change my ways I don't want to be in hell..." As soon as I finished the thought...I woke up from the dream.

Sleep Paralysis Experience #2

A few months later that's when my son was born. He was only about 3 months old. One night I woke up again. I was sleeping on my side and I was facing my son who was soundly asleep. Yet again, I couldn't move. I was on my SIDE! Still I couldn't move nor have any feeling in my body. Suddenly I was a strange feeling that someone was watching me. Like an evil prescence that just entered my room. I was really curious but even if I wanted to turn around and look I COULDNT!! And then a weird thought in my head came about, it seriously wasn't me, it was a systematic message "If you close your eyes, you'll be in Hell." At the time being the middle of the night I was so sleepy. I just wanted to go back to sleep. I closed my eyes. In those extremely few seconds I felt a very compelling rapidly falling sensation. My body felt extremely light at the same time it felt like my body was traveling such a great distance. MY eyes were closed maybe about 2 seconds....the scariest 2 seconds in my life. I instantly opened my eyes not even thinking at all if I would like what I'd see but to me, I just wanted to see my son.

To my great surprised there he was. Still soundly asleep. That's when I thought about it. Ugh, shivers ran down my spine the single thing I COULD feel.