Monday, June 3, 2024

Teen Son As A Baby Dream

Date dreamt: June 3, 2024
Current Dream

Brief Dream but I felt so overwhelmed by emotions. In this dream I woke up in the middle of the night and heard a baby cry. Something particular about this cry concerned me. The cry was long and drawn out and sounded exhausted as if the baby had been crying a while already. 

I immediately got out of bed and put on a gray robe and I walked over to the door on my right and opened it. As soon as I opened the door, there was a warm yellow night light already on to the left of the room and in the light clear as day I saw my teenaged son. Except he was his 2 year old self. I saw him sitting there by himself on the bed with swollen red eyes like he had been crying a long time. I didn't even catch him mid cry when I opened the door despite what I heard prior to. It was almost like he had been expecting me for a while. I said to him in the most nurturing mother kind of way "Why are you crying? You are starting to worry mommy."

I looked down and noticed his blanket was on the left side of the floor by the bed (also on the left most side of the room). I asked him if he wanted me to put the blanket over him and tuck him in. He said yes and started moving into a laying down position for bed. As I was grabbing the blanket I told him that he next time he needed anything he needs to go to our room and walk through to ask us. 

Then I woke up. 

No idea why but I took this way harder than I should have upon waking up. I cannot stop crying thinking back on this dream. It was overwhelming for the fact I heard my baby cry and seeing the despair on his face. It was more regret that I wished I stayed in the dream longer so I could pick him up and hug him and kiss him and tell him mommy loves him and that everything is going to be okay. It almost felt like it was connected to another dream I had of my son as a baby where the dream ended when I set him down to bed after we had a long nurturing mother to son talk about life and stuff. I also woke up crying because I never got to saya proper goodnight. Both dreams felt super connected and sensitive to me as I feel such a strong spiritual connection to my son as a baby.  Both dreams I woke up thinking to myself that I wanted to go back to the dream for the proper closure.

I'm still crying as I'm typing this out. Just felt so surreal.