Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Lucid Dream During Nap

 Current Dream

I took like literally a cat nap this morning and I actually was able to remember this micro dream.

Nothing special. I was just lucid dreaming. I looked up and wanted to see how the night sky and in a flash of a second, the house roof completely disappeared and the sky was revealed. It was a dim and smokey dark purple cloudy sky.

Have you ever just laid down on somewhere flat and just star gazed or looked up at the clouds and suddenly felt like an ant as the this void is so immense? Yeah.

I felt a tinge of terror for a hot second because the sky/space felt immeasureably vast like my brain just could not compute how immense it was meanwhile I felt like such an insignificant speck. It was a beautiful sight nonetheless.

Scene switched where I was now shown a black and white drawing on the wall. It was a depiction of a house, very simple. This seemed intentional like I was supposed to "change" it. So, while still being lucid, I concentrated on this picture and wanted to see something scary. Instantaneously, the picture on the wall went roaring to life. It looked as if wind was blowing (like a severe thunderstorm or hurricane) It was so abrupt and violent and everything moved so fast, it honestly scared me.

I switched my thoughts to try to think more calming thoughts and the picture did slow down a bit, albeit not completely but at least I was no longer panicking.

Then I woke up.

Different from my traditional dream recollections since this was extremely brief but if felt a little important enough to document here.

Friday, August 25, 2023

Demon Says Dream

Current Dream

A group of teenaged friends, all are asian, are on black pavement. Looks particularly eerie because the sky is dark grey, almost black. The ground they are walking on is black pavement. There's 3 of the friends walking along appearing they know exactly their destination is.

The further they walk along this black pavement, it tapers off into ever darker woods where they enter a house. However, the second they enter the house, time seems to change. Everytime they attempted to leave time seemed to slow down drastically obviously preventing their exit. A demonic entity appeared to them and says that all 3 of them must pass an individual game of torture before they are granted permission to leave.

It was really sick. Like watching a horror movie. One of them had to impale their hand. I forgot the 2nd one but the final one, a guy did the last one. He had the worst of them all. He had to willingly gouge his own eye out or else no one would leave. He painstakingly took a screwdriver and indeed ripped his right eye out of his socket and screaming in unbearable pain.

And just like that, this demonic entity, allowed all three bloodied teenagers to leave.

I don't even understand why but some time goes by where they all consciously GO BACK TO THE HOUSE!!!!!!! I think one of them had a baby with them. Sure enough, the demon appears and talks in his gutteral voice.

I woke up before I could remember anything else.

Friday, August 18, 2023

Ritual of the Red Eyes Dream

Current dream

Short snippet from what I remember. It was night time and I was in a car looking out the passenger's seat. Off in the distance I see nothing but red eyes moving in various directions. I couldn't see bodies or even shadows but dozens and dozens of red eyes dancing in the dark.

Would've been cool to see except I had such a bad feeling of impending doom when I saw this. I got this injected feeling that this was a ritual and sooner or later the entire world would go up in flames. Off in the distance I could hear like a low hum emanating from that area feeling it bears some kind of significance. Seriously gave me a beyond creepy feeling. 

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Futuristic Car Dream

Date of dream unknown 
Dream from my archives

The 3rd dream that I came across after falling asleep AGAIN was what freaked me out the most. It was like a look in the future of transportation. It began as me seing through the eyes of a soldier. we were trained to beat up and strangle the young. We were marching through this facility where there were many others marching in a single file line in and out of the building. The weird part was that on my way marching I was next to freaking Will Smith! I asked him if he knew where my cell was and he tried calling it and couldn't get a ring. "I must of left it in your car!!" I said out loud. So yeah....weird.

I somehow escaped with another man and we escaped in a government looking car. At first I thought, no way would we be able to escape but the man said that this is the goverment owned car with miraculous speed and agility. This car had no wheels this was a car like hundreds of years in the future. it was rounded and glided smoothly that traveled a great distance in a short time. I looked out the window and as I was driving, I saw ahead of a highway-like transportation road. There were many lanes with many cars coming and going in god-like speed. I thought, maybe if we are fast enough we can get out of here. I then said out loud "This is the farthest anyone has got to get out of space." Space? really? did I just really say that? So in our best hopes we sped as fast as we possibly could and get through to the other was too late.

The next thing I saw through an outsiders eyes. In order to get through to the other side we had to pass through this massive machine/robot. It was unbelievely huge. Like War of the Worlds machine, huge!! This robot or whatever it is had tentacles for each lane. Each car had to provide some sort of pass or identification for it to get a FLASH of flash to get through. So back to the outsiders eyes. Our car tried to speed right through this creature in an unspeakable high speed and in a blip of a second...this machine sent in a beam and our car exploded.