Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sky With 2 Suns Dream

Originally dreamt January 4th, 2011

I was surrounded in sand all around me along with a small group of people in some kind of exploration research. So obviously, I was in Egypt when I looked around me in all directions and all I could see is hills of sand miles and miles away...not a hint of green grass in sight.

I also noticed Pyramids in every direction as well all were very far off in the distance. Still strikingly weird was the fact all the Pyramids had the same equal distance apart from each other and about the same size as well.

My attention now focused on the sky. Bright baby blue and then I saw a gigantic sun taking up nearly half the sky. Firstly I was frightened for like a split second but then I felt insanely fascinated at the sight of this sun being so huge. I turned my head and I saw OUR original sun. Same size, same brightness. You know when you look at the sky and your eyes get watery and sensitive and you're forced to look away? I didn't get that this time but duh, it's a dream but I wanted to point that out.

Weird thing is, I didn't question why I was seeing 2 suns or even WHY one was bigger than the other. The huge sun was definitely a sight to see! My attention was back at the gigantic sun and it began to move progressively "Hey guys I can see the sun moving!" Odd enough, the people around me ignored me and really didn't see this as a big fascination as it did to me. I looked at the original sun and it seemed that the movements seemed to correlate each other. The big sun was moving pretty fast and soon enough about 75% was not viewable anymore since from the beginning I was able to see the entire circumference.