Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Intelligent Beast Dream

My dream wasn't necessarily nightmare or scary but rather dark and creepy.

It started out with me being in an isolated forest area on a hill...just somewhere with really high altitude. There was a caged fence and around dark of midnight I see a single baby gorilla running around the closed off area. The baby soon ran over to me and I see the face up close. It looked....odd. It had strikingly similar human eyes. Just something about the eyes looking into the creature told me this was intelligent. His eyes were big and round and "human" was the word that struck me the most in my mind.

A split second later I had no physical body and I am hovering over the same area as if the time period was speeding up before my eyes. The caged area I saw before was being reinforced with more massive structure. Even to go so far to have 3 GUARDS. What striked me odd was that these guards all 3 of them were PANDAS. Pandas standing upright and in armor.

And one day (after being back to my physical body) there was an attack! Somebody stupidly threw the keys to the cage and it just so happened this Beast caught the keys. Everybody didn't run away...instead they were all (including me) like a deer in the headlights that this beast had the coordination to catch these keys but more so the beast knew exactly what to do with the keys. In precision time the beast unlocked himself free! Nobody had a chance to run.

Everyone quickly stood on the lining of the cage and just stood still until it went away. The beast past me up and circled the cage and before the beast was going to return again, I slowly climbed on the cage and just made it to the top when the beast came on my side. I slowly lift my legs up and the Beast just stands where I was previously standing. The beast notices a queasy man that was standing next to me...the man was so scared and he was hyper ventilating and breathing heavily being in front of him. So this beast cautiously and effortlessly picked up this man and slowly cracked his back in half. I didn't hear not one peep from the panicking screaming or anything...that's what gave me the creeps.

As this beast killed this front of everyone still trying to stay still. An unseen voice was saying that this was a ritual killing. As soon as he crack the man's back an open hand sihilloette appeared to be exiting his body.

I woke up.....