Thursday, November 17, 2011

Black Beach Dream

Originally dreamt 7/22/2011

We were riding inside a car
To the left of me I see Lady GaGa and Madonna. They were both aggressively wrestling each other with Madonna dominating. It was obvious both were not in a sane state and were acting strangely hypnotized. Madonna then dangled Lady GaGa out the window. Weird fact was whileshe was dangling her out the window she had bloody red hair. She finally let's go of Lady GaGa and I turn around looking at the back window. She is on the sidewalk looking tripped out of her mind and stumbles while she tries to run back to the car. Stupid traffic was slow so she caught up to us.

This part creeped me out, Lady GaGa says go her in a weird hazy tone "I am sorry. Were you trying to protect me? I am so sorry I want to back with you." She was saying. This while she was desperately trying to get a hold of her.

Very calmly Madonna replies back in this weird cult like conviction "It is too late. This is how it is meant to be. If the world wants this to happen, then it will happen." And GaGa silently let go and fell back on the ground among traffic.

I look at Madonna again and her hair is back to being blond like the beginning of my dream. Then, a little girl dressed in red goes IP to Madonna and says she wants to shoot me because I was sitting next to her ad probably know too much. I threw the girl out and traffic picked up and I told the driver to haul ass!!

This is the real freaky part........

Madonna disappears from the car and it comes to a stop. I get put of the car, we are at a beautiful beach!! It was bright and sunny. My body transformed into a little girl around 7 years old.

I run towards this beautiful beach barefoot. To my horror, the sky hastily transformed to a dark grey but it was the pitch black clouds that occupied nearly the entire sky. The water was also pitch black. Not one person was in this water. Scarier still, an immense crowd of people stood at the shore line. All were looking up at the black sky in complete silence.

Next, I heard this crowd robotically say in unison "Three Thousand " so cold and without emotion. They sounded like a brainwashed cult. I then saw a weird hologram in the sky, appeared to be frigging OPRAH talking away. I couldn't make out what was being said.

I woke up.


Part 1: Rising of the Souls

I was alone, I wasn't around any of my family. Not mother. Not sister. Not Chris. Not even my precious little David. I was standing amongst a crowd of people just standing there and nothing more. People all over the world stopped what they were doing and gathered in awe forming one huge crowd. We all were looking up at a face that appeared in the sky. Looked most like the Shroud of Turin embedded in the entire sky. It was impossible to miss it. In an ominous voice, I heard being said in a slow, yet powerful manner "Let the souls rise."

In an instant I saw from a distance many of these souls in a light green and pale-ish hue silhouettes rise. There must have been hundreds, maybe even millions. It was very dramatic watching these souls glide to the sky towards the Heavens. I also noticed that within these souls that rose up, not only did I see everyday faces that rose up but a few in the crowd that rose up, I actually saw ALIEN silhouettes! The same image you would think a Grey would look like (but taller rather than short as they would say). The ominous voice spoke again "Let the ones who have wrongfully souls (the sinners) stay on ground". Then the terror began.

Part 2: Reign of the Devil

In a flash, we saw unearthly beasts rise up from the ground. They were massive in size! The most comparable I can tell you is that it looked the most similar to the Stone Minotaur boss in God of War 2. Definitely not exactly but like I said, it's the closest image that the beasts looked like. In addition, these beasts had spikes everywhere on their backs.

The beasts was saying that we should bow down to them. A man in the human crowd spoke up. He was tall, lean, Caucasian, and bald in his mid 20s to early 30s. He was saying something like "You will never take over our planet, we are outnumbered to you!"

The next second, hundreds of beasts were evenly spread throughout the whole world wreaking havoc!! The had immense strength and would effortlessly just flicker a building and it would collapse, killing many people. I could see from a bird's eye view now, looking all over the world. In the mountain's, they were there.

Bird's Eye View

In the snow part of the world, they were there. In all corners of the world there were so many beasts scattered over the world and easily overtook mankind and ripping each and every building and house apart!! I got to say it was depressing to see them tear down humanity and all our achievements in a simple gesture. The beasts were easy to spot from my bird's eye view but for humans, it was literally like looking for ants. That's an idea of how massive they were. I heard a voice inside me say that these beasts continue to invade earth for a few hundred years UNTIL someone would figure out the "code" to cease the chaos.

It was night time by then and sure enough, a young girl wearing all white knew what to do. She was trying to tell another man, but she collapsed to her death at the foot of the stairs before she could finish. The young man saw a code on each separate lip of the stairs. It apparently spelled out a name. He would be getting shot at by arrows each time he took a step on the stairs. He finally got to the top of the stairs when he found out what the code spelled out only to collapse to his death the moment he figured it out. Luckily, there was a group of men standing behind him (they were not involved in his death however) and he heard what it was and decided to take it from there. He was trying to figure out what this name was in connection to break the evil that ran the earth. HE GOT IT. He went babbling to himself. I could barely hear what the man said. The little that I did pick up was that it was in connection with Neptune, which held the key to our salvation. With this information, he managed to angle his bow and arrow, according to his calculations so precisely and shot. The arrow miraculously ricochet the 2 narrow walls and exited through an open window, which passed through a tiny hole in the outside of another building!

The second the arrow was shown going through this tiny loop, time seemed to have gone backwards!! The arrow was still in the air and slowly retracted back to the man who shot the arrow. Time sped backwards in one instant...

A beautiful woman dressed in all white, who was standing in the middle of snow in a completely different area than before said to the men "It's been broken. You are the first world to restore to normality." Someone else in the small crowd that was left questioned "1st world?" Yeah...what did she mean First World?? Like on a continent or an ACTUAL world as in compared to parallel worlds? Whatever the case, that statement was the one and only statement she spoke before we all disappeared to Limbo.

Part 3: Aftermath/Limbo

The remaining humans that were left were in some kind of freaky Limbo. We were literally standing in SPACE. The substance we were walking on appeared to look like clusters of gases. At this point, the people standing around were questioning the existence of God and what God must look like. Everyone, including me, was walking on this mush that was the cloud gases at our feet, which constantly changed colors. A thought went into my mind as if it were an epiphany. "Experiencing through all of this, it was a strong feeling that maybe God doesn't have a physical presence and is, in fact, Omnipresent and is just an entity.

The next place we enter is in a diner. the gist of Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy: The Restaurant At The End Of The Universe book (the idea). I actually felt uneasy being here. I ate so little. The crowded diner seemingly appeared happy and relieved that the beasts were gone. I knew that this diner that we were all in that at least a PORTION of the beings in here, were ALIENS and some in disguise. I saw a tall and thin grey alien strolling by. This time, humans actually welcomed the presence instead of being scared or a hint of being repulsed, they were INTRIGUED!! Many humans were surrounding other aliens as if they were celebrities or something. As for me, I still had an uneasy feeling of impending doom as if this was only a taste of what was yet to come. I still didn't feel completely safe and secure yet, but each and every person around me obviously felt different. A woman working at the diner came up to me asking if I wanted anything to eat. I could immediately tell that she was an alien in disguise as a human, which didn't frighten me but still felt uneasy and I didn't feel completely safe. So I said no.

I saw a red alien. Seemingly our allies. Everywhere around me seemed too far fetched to be conceived. It was hard to take in. Even worse knowing of what has already happened. Who knows, maybe our allies that lied within the aliens might even turn on us. That was a dark feeling at the pit of my stomach.


Fidel Castro Dream

Originally dreamt January 5th, 2011

The dream started out at a school and there was a huge celebration. Meanwhile I was outside at a remote grassy area at night time hanging out with a group of people. The scene was breathtaking, for about a mile was flat grassland but in the far front there was a gigantic hill. It looked pretty awesome.

I left the scene and I went towards the school and about to enter a classroom but it was in the middle of a ceremony but it was greatly frowned upon and the second I stepped in another peep intervened and rudely rushed me out of the room since and had the mentality of "If you can't be there at the start of it, don't come at all!" Kind of thing.

I walked in another room and I saw sat on a chair but lo and behold about 2 seats away from me was FIDEL CASTRO and it dawned on me that this was in celebration of him. As much as this was intended to be a joyous occasion, one student bluntly wrote a hate letter and he had the balls to deliver the letter to him in person. Fidel opened the letter and read it out loud while the student was still standing in front of him face to face. "I think you are a traitor." He said in a heavy accent with obviously an escalating angered voice " are a disgrace." He paused and then grabbed the student's arm and gripped it visibly rough...that when I first got scared. He get go of the students arm and continued to read the letter again ".....a thief you are." I vividly remember the distinguished heavy accent with his voice. I never thought I can get scared of a voice like that. Think of Stromboli's voice in Pinnochio but much, more devious trying to hide the anger in disguise of a calm and collected one.

He then stops reading the letter. Stands up and takes out a gun and slowly points it at him for a second but instead immediately points it at him, specifically he pointed it at the tip of his nose. "Cheeeza!" and let out a big laugh as if this was the comic relief to release the tension. I found it rather chilling to say the least.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Demon's Cemetery

Originally dreamt December 10, 2010

The dream started out me among others that were in hiding from some kind of massacre against all the humans. There were about 4 of us all together hiding inside a bigger than normal trailer. It was taller, the windows were wider and there was a big opening where we would occasionally peek out.

 For the longest time we heard a voice speaking from afar, it sure was ominous and could be heard from a great, great distance. This voice sounded incredibly unhuman, not even our technology today like voice changers(that I heard of) can even come close to this voice I heard. It was a demon...maybe, even more dramatic could have been Lucifer. I asked everybody "Who is that talking?" Some people went out in the direction where they thought they heard it but couldn't find who was saying this stuff. No, I couldn't tell you a word he said because it was in an inaudible language but shit, it was creeping everyone out and I remember thinking to myself that I can't take it anymore listening to THIS VOICE ANYMORE!! I didn't think it was possible to get deathly afraid of a voice sounding so morbid but it's true, everyone felt it. The demonic voice sounded like it was giving orders or something.

The next thing that happened was that one of the people took out the big ass window, no damn clue WHY!! So we looked out and someone said "GET DOWN AND LOOK DEAD!!! DEATH IS COMING OUT!!!" By that he meant as if it were a person. As I was laying down acting dead, I peeped at a corner and I saw an unearthly possible tall being walk out in a black cloak all over, a very distorted skeleton looking face and he was holding a scythe...yeah what you would expect a grim reaper to look like but this one looked mighty fucking creepy to see in person, YES even from afar still creepy as shit.

Things took a creepy turn when other demonic workers (I actually think many were actually humans brainwashed/or just under their allegiance willingly and went searching for people to dispose of. One worker alone came across us and was there for a VERY long time. I made the mistake to assume he was gone and so I pushed my arms up to turn my head around to see if I was gone and fuck I SEE THIS GUY'S SILHOUETTE!! At that second he pounces on me but luckily the other people help me out and attack this guy and someone ends up killing him with a single stab to his heart. Keep in mind, all of this was in complete silence, making it more dramatic. No one screamed, yelped, grunting the evil man didn't even try to call for backup. Dramatic indeed.

However, someone did draw attention to the scene and so all of us fled (sadly we all went our separate ways at this point). We see police cars and their flashing lights in all directions. It was like what the hell? Cars of all kinds came out of nowhere since before this event occurred, this entire street was a dead zone and almost immediately it's occupied by these evil people. So I ran. I ran in the first alley I see I soon cross from the light into the darkness. I was running in a place with complete absence of light and I was completely aware but at this point I didn't care where this led me to and I didn't bother looking back. It's a lot more morbid than it seems to find you are completely enveloped in darkness and find you are running without knowing where you are running to.

Lucky lucid dreaming kicked in and after a few seconds I changed the scenery where I now had night vision and in an actual dimly lit area again.

This area I was now running in was nothing but gravel all over I still couldn't see any sunlight whatsoever but the sky had a dark blue glow as if it was going to be sunrise pretty soon. In the middle of my running I slow down and I turn around to see if anyone is chasing me now. So cars not a single one.

But wait....I see a speck.

 It's not a's a DEMON

 and he's running at me full speed! This demon looked really tall, burgundy colored fur all around him and I think I see horns on this one. Shit, keep running. I run my ass even faster now. I have no idea where the FUCK I am right now and I was running in the middle of this flat plained gravel where ANYONE can see and find me. I eventually come across the worst possible place for me to end up in. The cemetery.

Immediately I know this not just any cemetery because before me I see headstones and pictures of demons. I was in complete shock and completely didn't see this coming so this shit hit me hard as fuck because (after my ability to use night vision, my clarity knowing this is a dream vanished) at that point I swore demons and beasts couldn't have possibly existed on earth but in the middle of this wretched wasteland there is a cemetery, more of a homage or memorial to these disgusting creatures. I had to take all this in while I was running in fear of the demon.Nothing works better than running in shock and horror.

The demon caught up with me and was very very close behind me when I looked back. In the beginning of the cemetery there was one single walking trail but it soon turned into multiple so I had to constantly pick either left or right turns. In the middle of this I saw a Baphomet picture *chills here!* yup all around I felt the Satanic vibe to this place and it's accompanied by helplessness and a depressing desire.

I decided well fuck it I'm running through the grass and crouch down to hide when he's not looking and wait until the demon is gone. I crouch behind and get ready to wait.....I wake up. I woke from this dream and I did something I rarely do: kept my eyes closed. I knew I woke up from this wacky dream but I chose to keep my eyes closed for the longest time. I was creeped out to the max worse yet it was still dark when I eventually opened my eyes again.

So yeah.....weird. I guess I really wanted to remember this dream. However this is actually a tip in order to remember your dreams since from the moment you wake up a majority of what you just dream t will be forgotten in your memory.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


I honestly have way more intriguing dreams than my previous post its just that this blog is not my top priority right now. However, I am currently compiling a dream I had some months ago and will put here shortly. Will intend on posting my dreams from time to time. Only the interesting ones but another obstacle I face is I have always been having sleeping problems so it has an obvious effect on my rrecollection of dreams. I'll dig up old dreams to post or use recent ones. Also most of my blogging will be either from my android phone or from my motorolla xoom tablet and since I am still a beginning t Android devices, I apologize in advance for typos. I'll always try to correct when I catch it.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4

Saturday, September 3, 2011

50's Black And White Dream

Dream Occurred: July 21, 2004
Dream from my Archives

The time period was around the 1950s. I was placed in this field at night time; all around me I can see dry soil and tall shrubs surrounding me. I look up at the sky and I see a jet. It was traveling so consistently at first but for a split second it dipped at very low altitude, already flying lower than what it normally should be but I see it quickly regained itself back on track.

The 2nd thing I saw in the sky was much weirder! A green truck was ALSO flying in the sky! It was more like hovering and was very unstable even for a hover. Shortly after ANOTHER light colored car slowly traveling across the sky. The car went out of my sight and I hear a big CRASH!

Instantaneously, smoke and dust scour immensely similar to that of a dust storm sweeping by, Myself among others were running around town helping other people in dire need.

While I was thinking in my head "What could have caused this?" A projected vision came before me.

Through the camera view I could see a woman in her 20's driving along in her car and the car in front of her made a sudden stop. The guy was the owner of a light pink car (ya I know what you thinking) and wearing a light blue jacket. He seemed to be upset for a reason. Turns out, that was the guy that later had that suicide crash. Thoughts injected.