The dream started out me among others that were in hiding from some kind of massacre against all the humans. There were about 4 of us all together hiding inside a bigger than normal trailer. It was taller, the windows were wider and there was a big opening where we would occasionally peek out.
For the longest time we heard a voice speaking from afar, it sure was ominous and could be heard from a great, great distance. This voice sounded incredibly unhuman, not even our technology today like voice changers(that I heard of) can even come close to this voice I heard. It was a demon...maybe, even more dramatic could have been Lucifer. I asked everybody "Who is that talking?" Some people went out in the direction where they thought they heard it but couldn't find who was saying this stuff. No, I couldn't tell you a word he said because it was in an inaudible language but shit, it was creeping everyone out and I remember thinking to myself that I can't take it anymore listening to THIS VOICE ANYMORE!! I didn't think it was possible to get deathly afraid of a voice sounding so morbid but it's true, everyone felt it. The demonic voice sounded like it was giving orders or something.
The next thing that happened was that one of the people took out the big ass window, no damn clue WHY!! So we looked out and someone said "GET DOWN AND LOOK DEAD!!! DEATH IS COMING OUT!!!" By that he meant as if it were a person. As I was laying down acting dead, I peeped at a corner and I saw an unearthly possible tall being walk out in a black cloak all over, a very distorted skeleton looking face and he was holding a scythe...yeah what you would expect a grim reaper to look like but this one looked mighty fucking creepy to see in person, YES even from afar still creepy as shit.
Things took a creepy turn when other demonic workers (I actually think many were actually humans brainwashed/or just under their allegiance willingly and went searching for people to dispose of. One worker alone came across us and was there for a VERY long time. I made the mistake to assume he was gone and so I pushed my arms up to turn my head around to see if I was gone and fuck I SEE THIS GUY'S SILHOUETTE!! At that second he pounces on me but luckily the other people help me out and attack this guy and someone ends up killing him with a single stab to his heart. Keep in mind, all of this was in complete silence, making it more dramatic. No one screamed, yelped, grunting the evil man didn't even try to call for backup. Dramatic indeed.
However, someone did draw attention to the scene and so all of us fled (sadly we all went our separate ways at this point). We see police cars and their flashing lights in all directions. It was like what the hell? Cars of all kinds came out of nowhere since before this event occurred, this entire street was a dead zone and almost immediately it's occupied by these evil people. So I ran.
Lucky lucid dreaming kicked in and after a few seconds I changed the scenery where I now had night vision and in an actual dimly lit area again.
This area I was now running in was nothing but gravel all over I still couldn't see any sunlight whatsoever but the sky had a dark blue glow as if it was going to be sunrise pretty soon. In the middle of my running I slow down and I turn around to see if anyone is chasing me now. So cars not a single one.
But wait....I see a speck.
It's not a's a DEMON
and he's running at me full speed! This demon looked really tall, burgundy colored fur all around him and I think I see horns on this one. Shit, keep running. I run my ass even faster now. I have no idea where the FUCK I am right now and I was running in the middle of this flat plained gravel where ANYONE can see and find me. I eventually come across the worst possible place for me to end up in. The cemetery.
Immediately I know this not just any cemetery because before me I see headstones and pictures of demons. I was in complete shock and completely didn't see this coming so this shit hit me hard as fuck because (after my ability to use night vision, my clarity knowing this is a dream vanished) at that point I swore demons and beasts couldn't have possibly existed on earth but in the middle of this wretched wasteland there is a cemetery, more of a homage or memorial to these disgusting creatures. I had to take all this in while I was running in fear of the demon.Nothing works better than running in shock and horror.
The demon caught up with me and was very very close behind me when I looked back. In the beginning of the cemetery there was one single walking trail but it soon turned into multiple so I had to constantly pick either left or right turns. In the middle of this I saw a Baphomet picture *chills here!* yup all around I felt the Satanic vibe to this place and it's accompanied by helplessness and a depressing desire.
I decided well fuck it I'm running through the grass and crouch down to hide when he's not looking and wait until the demon is gone. I crouch behind and get ready to wait.....I wake up. I woke from this dream and I did something I rarely do: kept my eyes closed. I knew I woke up from this wacky dream but I chose to keep my eyes closed for the longest time. I was creeped out to the max worse yet it was still dark when I eventually opened my eyes again.
So yeah.....weird. I guess I really wanted to remember this dream. However this is actually a tip in order to remember your dreams since from the moment you wake up a majority of what you just dream t will be forgotten in your memory.