Friday, July 12, 2024

Human Junkyard Dream

Date of Dream: July 12, 2024
Current Dream Recollection 

So I was riding in a car with a few people and we turned on this gravel road out in the country expecting to visit someone but what we were met with instantly made our blood run cold. 

It was some human farm.

To our left we saw grown men in cramped overcrowded cages. They were all very much alive but had this look of paralyzed fear. The small cage was filled to the top. No standing room either, the men were crouched down and one man was holding on to the bars with both of his hands.

We looked further and it was even worse. We saw a headless torso on display laying flat on a small table or cannister in direct view of us. It was extremely grotesque looking. So many disgusting bloodied body parts were strewn around this what looked like a human junkyard. It was so awful!

We motioned to GTFO and back out. As we were backing out, we saw what appeared to be cheesy looking 80s style zombies slowly walking towards us. Our car was moving along fast enough so 1 caught up with us. I was sitting in the back staring in horror hoping it wouldn't break in. But then I remember we were I a car and a force field that is the aforementioned car put an immediate block on the zombie.

We slowly made our way out....but we were in a hallway?? Yes, we were still in the car but it was like we were now in a building. We saw a mid 20s to 30s white woman turn down the hallway and walk right towards the human junkyard. I was now the driver and told the woman passing to NOT GO IN THERE. She didn't question it nor put up a fight to why. She was rather chill about it. I offered her a ride and she sat in the passengers seat. While she was buckling her seat belt I asked her if she was medically certified for some reason??? Not sure why or if that made a difference in having her in the car but she surprisingly said yes.

Just about when we were about to take off, we saw a younger dark skinned gentleman also turn the corner and I also tried to warn him not to proceed. 

I woke up. 

Monday, July 1, 2024

2 Sleep Paralysis Experiences

Date of Sleep Paralysis Experiences: Unknown; Mid 2008~
From My Archives 

(These took place when I while I was transitioning from christian to atheist)

Sleep Paralysis Experience #1

This one freaked me out THE MOST. I'd like to believe it was just a dream but the symptoms I experienced is of sleep paralysis but the things that happened just couldn't add up. Why would I dream of having a sleep paralysis especially when it happened again a few months later? So from that cray experience it's so hard to tell what's real or not.

Anyway I was sleeping in my boyfriend's room. I "woke" up in the middle of the night. I couldn't move at all. Not one muscle of my body. It was pitch black at first. As if that didn't scare enough I immeditely heard demonic whispers. It really sounded like a completely different language to me. The whispers sounded really close to me and I was scared I didn't know who was whispering HOW many there were or what they were saying. There was definetly a demonic feeling inside of me. As much as I wanted to get up and run away I couldn't my body was stiff. And then.

I looked at the ceiling and I saw a light. It was a big circle of light. At the same time I saw the light there was a silouete of a hand stretched out and motionless. It was a really big hand I thought to myself. A surge of fear went right through me and I thought in my head "I must change my ways I don't want to be in hell..." As soon as I finished the thought...I woke up from the dream.

Sleep Paralysis Experience #2

A few months later that's when my son was born. He was only about 3 months old. One night I woke up again. I was sleeping on my side and I was facing my son who was soundly asleep. Yet again, I couldn't move. I was on my SIDE! Still I couldn't move nor have any feeling in my body. Suddenly I was a strange feeling that someone was watching me. Like an evil prescence that just entered my room. I was really curious but even if I wanted to turn around and look I COULDNT!! And then a weird thought in my head came about, it seriously wasn't me, it was a systematic message "If you close your eyes, you'll be in Hell." At the time being the middle of the night I was so sleepy. I just wanted to go back to sleep. I closed my eyes. In those extremely few seconds I felt a very compelling rapidly falling sensation. My body felt extremely light at the same time it felt like my body was traveling such a great distance. MY eyes were closed maybe about 2 seconds....the scariest 2 seconds in my life. I instantly opened my eyes not even thinking at all if I would like what I'd see but to me, I just wanted to see my son.

To my great surprised there he was. Still soundly asleep. That's when I thought about it. Ugh, shivers ran down my spine the single thing I COULD feel.