Friday, September 29, 2023

Terrorist Dream

Date of Dream: Unknown
Dream from my Archives

*Also this Dream was shortly after the 9/11 attacks

It had my mom, sister and I. We were downtown and it was night. Well you know when planes fly over and you hear that sound when it passes by? That speed faster than sound sound? Well I heard it but it was LOUDER than usual. I looked up in the sky and saw a plane going northward. I thought it was going to just quickly pass by but then it made a drastic drop and it crashed into a building! Immediatly afterwards about 3 bombs came down. In a split second eventhing went to hell. Yells everywhere, everyone running in every direction and bombs continously keep coming down. I first thought of my 6 year old brother! I knew I was going to die. It was so guarenteed that it was and for the first time I was inviting it. I was no longer fearing death.

So anyway I ran up to some building and a terrorist was going through there too. I was in a room with a couple of other people. They quickly hid before the terrorist came in. Stupid me, I did nada. I just stood there like nothing (because of me not being scared of death anymore) The terrorist came in, quickly had the gun up. Originally pointed at my head, but quickly tilted it and shot my right leg. I went down, but obviously still alive and felt no pain.

Yeah the dream was rather morbid but still scared the shit out of me. I don't know why I keep having dreams of planes crashing. This is like my 4th or 5th dream of a similar senario. It totally creeps me out. I am definetly scared of planes because of 9-11 and of my recurring nightmares.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Space Hell Deam

Date of Dream Unknown
Dream from my Archives

I had an amazing dream that I was in SPACE! It was only myself. Even though I had no physical body the thing I instantly realized it was my soul I suppose wandering the cosmos. There was heavy metal music blazing and I was incredibly intrigued almost like my dream come true, having to experience my 2 passions in life! MY soul traveled great distances I got to see awesome sights of the universe it was so breath taking. I looked to my side and I see clusters among clusters of meteors. That must of been millions of those I thought to myself. I was having the time of my life that is until......after looking at the meters and rocks around me I then saw from a great distance red gases. It quickly formed into 2 eyes and a smile directing right at me.

Urgency was just eminating from me. I spent the remainder of the time searching franticly for a way to get out for all I knew I was in tempted in HELL! I then found the whitest clouds ever! The thought didn't cross my mind why CLOUDS where in space as far as I was concerned that was Heaven.

I went closer and closer. The metal music played and for a split second I nearly got tempted again. Yet the louder the heavy metal was playing more darkness was consuming the white clouds. I didn't want the white clouds to go away. I convinced myself to tune out the music and quickly I became closer to these white clouds. I landed on super green grass and the sky was so baby blue I HAD A BODY AGAIN!!! A rush of feelings went through my head that there wasn't a such thing a sin. Wow. No arguements, no murders and no war.

Note: I was in high school when I had this dream 20ish years ago so these christian wordings was before I became atheist. 

Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Car Plunge Dream

Date of dream unknown 
Dream from my archives

This dream started with (my IRL life partner) driving in his car late at night. I was in the passengers seat and our son was in his car seat. We were at this intersection and there was a lot of traffic however we see one gigantic car sized rat....actually it was because it was white. Freaky looking, it kept circling around cars. Weird sight.

So he continued driving but he then approached an extremely narrow one lane road. Seriously narrow. Worse yet this road was elevated, something like a bridge but without sides, it's just the elevated road and a vertical drop on the sides. Since it was late at night, all I saw was pitch black to the left and right. So I don't know if he was sleepy or intoxicated but after a few seconds on the road he makes a random swerve and the car drifts off descending in the unknown pitch blackness. The fall felt like forever. I was screaming for a few seconds.but then I made myseld stop and tried to comfort my son who is also freaking out. Oddly enough, I didn't hear any feedback from IRL life partner.

The car lands but still going further down a rocky road. And all of a sudden our car like magically appears in a living room of a random house!

Say what? Yup, dreams make drastic scenery change so weirdly.