Friday, July 21, 2023

The Human Feast Dream

 Current Dream

I can only remember snippets of this dream but here is the best of my recollection. Fucking nightmare, dude.

There was a group of people who abducted others varying in ages from young to old. They would gather them all up in a room. In this room was a bright white color on every wall but then there was also various body pieces strewn around. The real creepy thing about this is that the cut up body parts were sentient. At least the faces were. The decapitated heads that were able to feel pain and worry and anticipation just all around terror I felt from the entire room. I could just feel these soulless beings were mindlessly consuming these body parts with no regard to human life. It was so soul draining.

The ones that were feasting on these body parts appeared human in appearance but I had a weird feeling that they were disguised as some otherworldly beings but I cannot say for sure.

A young man was able to escape in the dead of night but tripped in the crops. He then felt a hand reach for him and he yelled in horror when it was a decrepit old man picking him up and putting him in the back of a running car nearby. The dread I felt from this man was unimaginable.

They took one man (different one) who is tied up behind a gate with other people, including children. I was dreading what would happen. It was their impending death and I did not see any graphic depictions thankfully. I just wanted that dream to end. My mind got fuzzy and the dream switched to another scene.

Another possibly unrelated scene was where there was this very off putting group of people who kept putting emphasis on the word "family" that everything they do is because of family, it was mostly in a twisted way to justify their sick behaviors and being complicit in disturbing actions.

One such action was a man who wielded a shotgun and walked into a class with a mid 30s woman teaching a class of young children. His intention was to murder her because she had a nasty divorce with one of his family members and threw a brick in his window (the window scene was like an imprinted info kind of thing, not discussed or shown). He only had intentions on killing her. 

I was in the classroom and had a premonition that was exactly what would happen and it would happen when the woman would ask the man to go upstairs and that is when and where the murder would happen. The second the man walked in the room, all the kids froze in fear. Since I knew what was going to happen, I had a gut instinct to get the fuck out of there but  I was scared to arouse suspicion from the man so I stayed in my seat.

The woman then asked to go upstairs with him (not exactly knowing her fate, she just didn't want to argue in front of the kids). After they went upstairs, 2 of the children attempted to chase upstairs to save her. One dark skinned girl went up and the 2nd girl (whom I was somehow connected with like family or at least a friend) I telepathically told her to don't go up the stairs because the man won't hesitate to kill anyone who goes up there even if it is a child. She child's face looked like she understood me. I turned my heaead relieved that she understood me and I walked away. Only to look 2 seconds later to see her gone. She ended up going up stairs anyway to help the other little girl. 

I never felt so much dread in all my life. I heard the girls shouting "No! No!" I never heard a gun shot because I woke up.

Saturday, July 15, 2023

Demonic Monsters Dream

*Dream from the archives*
*Date of dream unknown*

There was a group of people joined at a forest in complete darkness with an indefinete morbid atmosphere in an attempt to get rid of these demons/ cannibals. There was very little light. A group of 5 or so 20 somethings that wanted to get rid of this demonic race so they decided to split up. All were on motorcycles. One person in particular immediatly came into contact with one of them shortly after leaving by himself.

He stopped his motorcycle the first time he came across this one..a male. 

He wore a black jacket and his face looked melted and red-like. His eyes balls were bulging out and had an enlarged mouth with big teeth and black messy, almost electrified looking hair. The guy managed to dodge his swing and pumped his bike but the monster took a tree branch and swung and hit him in the head. He didn't fall down but he just started up his bike again and took off. While he was riding straight he was shocked to see there were numerous of the monsters standing in his way every few yards. He had to make his bike jump a great length to get over a fallen tree that blocked his path.

His other friends knew how to make the bike jump an unbelieveable height, unfortunately the monsters knew how as well. In another person racing his way towards to the "gate" they were all talking about earlier, came across a group of the snarling monsters and right when he jumped the ridiculous height, the group imitated the same exact thing but missed the person by mere inches.

Another girl made it first to the "gate" only to be confronted by even more of these demons.She looked them up close first hand and saw how creepy and ugly they looked. She saw they took apart the gate. SHe could hear them hissing and snarling at her while she were coming closer and closer to her. So she decided to turn back the way she came to get more people. On her way back she remember she can't go completely all the way back because of the other group she ran into and would for sure be her demise so she took a right turn.

It was so dark. All the trees were enornmously tall and she had to slower her speed and look up at the same time so she wouldn't run into these trees. She quickly came into the sunlight as she entered a neighborhood. She didn't realize it yet but here bike seemed to be flying!! She spotted a group of people, who looked up and saw her in amazement. After she realized she was flying, she decided to land and approach this group of people.

The next thing I remember was being back at home at night time once again. Through the blinds I could see flashes of light. Like someone with a flashlight was looking for something, or someone and was going through my back yard! I had a very negative feeling and thought it was one of "them" trying to search for their prey. I was so tempted to look outside the window to see who exactly it was out there but was too scared. At that time the light kept flashing in my kitchen window as if they somehow knew I was in here. No more than 10 seconds of this non top bombardment of the flash light directed at my window, it stopped. I went to my room for an attempt to see the person...possibility thinking it may be an alien of some sort.

I then woke up!

Sunday, July 2, 2023

Her Dreary Fate Dream

July 2, 2023
Current dream

*Note to anyone reading, the reason why I put record the race of the person is so that it helps me remember the dream. Not meant in any offensive manner*

There is an investigation (supernatural style) of a black person trying to track down a dented car (before it happens) in a shopping parking lot and the person responsible for making that dent is connected to something more serious. A young Asian lady is in a cart nearby thinking this is where it is. Out of nowhere a black lady is pushing a cart full of groceries towards a big crowd in the middle of the lot but she keeps going like faster kind of like power walking almost running and doesn't show signs of stopping. The big crowd eventually notice and run away to clear the area. When the crowd dispersed there was a silver/gray SUV no longer obscured that the cart plowed into. The Asian woman in the cart nearby beckoned her over (waved) her over to ask WHY that happened.  The black lady replies that something supernatural was making her do that.

Out comes a black man who is the one searching for her (I referred to him as Boyd in the dream but that is the character's name/likeness in the tv show From) and they meet for the first time. I had a flash forward that this is HIS future wife! I had an overwhelming feeling of just bursting feelings of LOVE they will have for each other.

At the same time love was accompanied by an overwhelming feeling of dread and sadness because of her impending death but it was the CAUSE of her death is what was the most depressing and saddest part of it was. Her fate was to be dragged to hell (extremely similar to the tv show Hellbound). It felt so intense how much I was ingesting all this informational in a split second!! 

I was now a tangible person standing next to them and I stupidly said in a sort of pitiful patronizing way that I was sad what was going to happen to her. She freaks out and asks me what I meant by that. I try to dodge the question and say that she will live another "couple of decades " another beautiful couple of decades indeed with a goofy smile on my face.

Anyway, she was responsible for doing this experiment in class where she had to bring a frog back to life. Before she stepped foot in the classroom it was still night and all 3 of us were by a dimly lit bridge or sewer. I was at the top where a big was of cash was being cut up and I had to pull it through the bars. Someone mentioned about retrieving a $250 bill. Like wut. After it got pulled through, a frog got injected with some substance with a dart.

The lady took 2 frogs with her in a big pot and arrived to her class late. I now have a Birdseye perspective when I saw her walk in the classroom. The professor told the class they have 1 hour to make their dead frogs come back to life in order to pass the class.

The lady looked in her pot and one frog was moving along and it went up to the surface of the water struggling to breathe. It did it so slowly and agonizingly. Weird thing about it is that the frog appeared to only breathe air as if this frog were somehow...drowning? It was struggling to keep it's head above water to breathe in the oxygen. A bit disturbing to realize that the frog functioned like a human or worded yet a human was trapped in a frog or  something. It was hinted that this other frog needed to be injected so I (or the other frog I cannot remember) proceeded to inject the other frog. It squirmed for a bit and changed colors.

I woke up