Sunday, May 28, 2023

Multilated Shoulder Dream

Micro dream
Dreamt May 28th, 2023

So in this dream, I had this fight with one of my friends. It was a little scary because in this dream in the middle of an argument, I snapped and attacked him. I took a saw or something and cut half his shoulder off. It was still connected but a piece of bone was sticking out and he weirdly seemed chill about it. As in, he didn't hate me. He was just sitting there looking at his gaping wound.

Meanwhile I just was filled with instant guilt that I let it escalate that far. His wound wasn't terribly bloody or anything but it was strange to see his shoulder blade in such gruesome detail. I could see the insides of the muscles but the bone sticking out was freakishly white as hell it looked so movie fake! His family wanted to kick my ass, as they rightfully should. It was such a grueling sight. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Neon Conspiracy Dream

Wed, Mar 23, 2022 5:51 AM

I looked up at the night sky and saw multiple bright yet constantly changing neon colors. There were at least a dozen in the sky and formed this horizontal line across the sky. A person next to me was asking what it was. I answered that it was space jellyfish as if it were a normal phenomenon. My brain slightly questioned myself if it were was normal (possible reality check? Failed attempt at lucid dreaming perhaps?) I continued to stare at the sky because the motions of the jellyfish looked truly majestic as if I were watching a beautiful comet fly by.

My dream transitioned into another were I now saw a group of presumably military recruits in training. They were standing in shallow water in a line. I had some kind of internal monologue that these aforementioned jellyfish used to feed on humans. The jellyfish were much sizeable over humans. Something went I think not planned and I witnessed an aggressive jellyfish all of a sudden attack and swallow a couple of recruits. Soldiers panicked and ran the opposite way as best they can. The officer in command jumped and started a helicopter and a few recruits scrambled to jump in. A few got in but it was small and got overloaded almost immediately and away it took off in the sky. There was a second helicopter but for some reason, it felt as if this second one was doomed to fail but I am not entirely sure. Definitely a handful of soldiers got left behind.

One event after this what REALLY spooked me though was it was now in my point of view. I received an email from a closed loved one (presumably my own child or at least someone I deeply cared for) had sent an email. Or possibly an internet post. It was about exposing a deep secret about the military. I forgot the exact contents of it but it might have something to do with the jellyfish incident or COVID. Or both idk. My memory is fuzzy on this part. The post was never updated even though a few hours had passed. I (or someone close) was intending to go physically visit that person. Only to find that a shower was running and the person nowhere in sight. I felt an instant surge of fear and impending doom.

Sunday, May 7, 2023

Vampires Takeover Dream

Date of Dream: May 7th, 2023
Current dream. 

A man walks into a church and quickly takes over conversation. He looks like Robert Patrick. 

There is a church service where there were a lot of people sitting in attendance. Vamps quickly appeared seemingly out of nowhere. People were so horrified and tried to escape. Others were frozen in shock and vamps wasted no time to bite those people. 

Quickly everyone one by one get slaughtered and bitten by these vamps. Vamps are spread through every exits so even when you thought humans have fled, they were quickly round up caught by the vamps. They had 3 dogs. 1 black and 2 light huskey like lite brown who snarled they worked like sheppard dogs rounding up people back to the center as they proceeded to get picked off by them. One appeared on the top floor as I saw for the first time. Vamps bite and slaughtered all the humans in sight. Only adults. I luckily never saw any children present. 

One girl broke in through an upstairs 2nd story empty bed room. She hid from detection by putting herself under one of the 2 empty mattresses on the floor. She waited until they were gone (as they actually did go in the room to check for qnay remaining people left) Still under the mattress and after a tense wait, she gets on the phone her cell phone and messes with their webpage into changing their vamp homepage into one of hers with her pic in front. She saved it and didn't want to update the page just yet until she was safely gone. While still under the mattress she calls the church in which a human who looks like Rob Thomas answers the phone. She asks what happened to this place. He quickly says that vampires took over the church. Vamps look like mobsters. They didn't talk much and quickly hung up. The girl wanted to quickly leave and escape fearing that she would be caught as she thinks that her being under the mattress would leave a big lump as a big giveaway for the next person to walk in so she quickly tried to hurry up and leave. She noticed the door to the room as halfway open so she tries to be quick. She gets caught right as she stands up from getting off of the mattress. She does arroise attention but she jumps off the 2nd story anyway. She successfully flees and tries to land on a nearby trampoline. This girl looks like the punk rock chick from Darknet episode 1.

She is next seen arrested. One woman told her that she has to rise in the ranks to get preferential treatment but in order to do that she has to wear an earing in the left ear and some other stuff and knock on the door with another girl. They have to survive 1 min or wás it 10 min of having rough intercourse by 2 other older men. From a birds eye view I saw both woman having intercourse with the men. By the time they were done they were bloodied in their genital area. After proving their "worth", an older woman who looked to be watching them told 2 other girls in nearby bunks to take off from their space so that these current 2 girls can now replace them. The girls left without any fight while the main girl and the one she initially went in with proceeded to take their bunks. Main girl may have had a mastectomy scar idk. 

I woke up.