Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Cartoon Killing Dream

*Original date of dream unknown. From my Archives.*

The dream started off with a con man in a white suit going up to a group of business men and women as he was showing them a presentation. They were in a big room with the light turned out where there is a projector with a power point-like presentation.

the next thing I see on the white screen is an iconic image, incorporated into a cartoon. It was a still image and it had a reptile on it. I wish I could remember more. To the audience's amazement, they saw that this still image because to move, blood was dripping down on one of the character's face. Shortly after that, the reptile began to move.

My point of view (I was looking through as if I were the camera) was focused on the image the entire time. Shadows begun to emerge and when an audience member stood up, the reptile attacked that person! Split second later I hear blood curdling screams as multiple shadows emerge and go on a killing spree. once again, I didn't see the actual killing, since my view was fixed on the image and I could only see the shadows. The screams were very distinct and so unlike any screams I have hear in previous dreams. Top 5 in one of my most morbid dreams ever.