Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Sky Dream

*Date of dream unknown*
*Dream from my archives*

I shit you not it's not often waking up in the middle of the night and getting so mind fucked over a dream that seemed beyond a dream but hinted its propheticness of some sort. Mine was freakiest of freaky. Myself among a vast number of people were conformed to this religion (or cult?) or some sort. All of us were wearing cloaks in blood red but the collars (?) were black rimmed. I purchased a triangle shaped idol and placed it on the altar, the Leader (an asian guy with a golden mirror imaged triangle on his head) corrected me and advised me to place the triangle pointed downward. I stepped out side, the sky seemed so vast and immense in width and height, it was nearly at ground level, still a beautiful sight none the less. Trippy sight still. I though to myself "just not too long ago there was unstable weather all these other places and now....the sky is increasingly clearing...now everywhere will be cleansed clear." This auto thought seemed like I was talking more metaphorically (NWO style with globalization united under 1 religion kind of thing) instead of literal. I woke up with the heebiest of jeebies. Felt like this was a strong message I was supposed to perceive from this. Crazy 'ol me you know. Still....felt disturbed I'm not a damn conformist cult freak! SERIOUSLY FELT LIKE MY BRAIN WAS WARPED IN THE DREAM..SORRY FORTHE CAPS LOCK MY PHONE SUCKS AND I AM TOO LAZY TO SWITCH IT BACK.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Clay Apocalypse

*Date of dream unknown*
*Dream from my archives*

A few days ago I had a very impressionable dream and it still sticks with me now. Despite the dream was very brief, it left a scary feeling of impending doom-like apocalypse cooky feeling on me that I havent been able to shake off. Anyway I was in space in this dream AND I looked at the earth but the earth was like made out of clay or play dough stuff. A person was narrarating telling me how the world will end. He said bombs will be set off locally every single place in the world. I see the earth immediately see it riddled with holes. It was a frightening sight to see the earth so destoryed. For it being clay it still looked just as terrifying. The man also said 1 trillion will die. Probably didnt mean just humans but creatures as well. That image alone and the message. I woke up mystified. Crazy dream, I hope to get that image ot of head SO I can function well enough again.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Water Dream

*original date of dream unknown*
*Archived dream*

The dream began as me being inside an ugly rusted colored cellar. It was HUGE. Even though I didn't question it at the time, inside the cellar, there was water swishing back and forth with immense strength and roaring as the water pounded against the wall.

I got in the water as it carried me effortlessly and quickly to the other side I began to think to myself now WHY would there be water in this gigantic cellar?? And more weirdly, why was this water being bombarded by this mysterious, strong, roaring force to cause continuous shifts from the front to the back of the cellar?? Being in this huge room myself I didn't feel any movement whatsoever to cause this water to constantly shift.....but I had an evil feeling that I was being intentionally trapped in here and wasn't expected to come out alive....

So after getting in the water, the tide reached an unspeakable (not to mention very forceful) height and I was able to grab and climb on a thin ledge. And with my bare feet I walked along this disgusting rusty floor...another thing that caught my attention: The floor I was walking on was HOTT!! Why or what would cause this floor to be warm?? I Then began to panic as I couldn't find a door to my escape and panicing more because of the immense heat my bare feet revealed the true temperature of the floor!! Frantically looking everywhere for a place to exit I had a vision that struck me before my eyes...seing through the eyes of a man that was previously trapped in an identical room as mine. He found a door and was yelling at a bystander to help him. The bystander didn't do anything besides just staring at him.

From that vision, I found the exact location of the door and freed myself. Walking to the outside where it was sunny and I could feel the fresh air blowing against my face at last.........

Sounds like it could mean a spiritual enlightenment dream.

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Cartoon Killing Dream

*Original date of dream unknown. From my Archives.*

The dream started off with a con man in a white suit going up to a group of business men and women as he was showing them a presentation. They were in a big room with the light turned out where there is a projector with a power point-like presentation.

the next thing I see on the white screen is an iconic image, incorporated into a cartoon. It was a still image and it had a reptile on it. I wish I could remember more. To the audience's amazement, they saw that this still image because to move, blood was dripping down on one of the character's face. Shortly after that, the reptile began to move.

My point of view (I was looking through as if I were the camera) was focused on the image the entire time. Shadows begun to emerge and when an audience member stood up, the reptile attacked that person! Split second later I hear blood curdling screams as multiple shadows emerge and go on a killing spree. once again, I didn't see the actual killing, since my view was fixed on the image and I could only see the shadows. The screams were very distinct and so unlike any screams I have hear in previous dreams. Top 5 in one of my most morbid dreams ever.