Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Sacrifice Dream

*Original date of dream unknown*

The rap rock band, 3rd Strike.

I was at home putting together a puzzle that somehow resembled the poster to a 3rd Strike cd. I couldn't find the last 2 pages. The problem was, this puzzle played a significance. Right when the puzzle is finished, I would be sacrificed to this species that resided in the underworld, as my mom explained to me. I asked her what would happen if I don't finish the puzzle. She said that they would "get" me. Just in the middle of our conversation, they got me. I could feel myself turn into vapor and the vision  of my  other before me slowly dissipate into darkness.

I reappeared in a very dark and dimly lit room. My body had now been transformed into a young girl of Teleute (otherwise known as Death as depicted the Neil Gaiman's The Sandman graphic novel). All of a sudden, a grown man just appeared out of nowhere. He put both of his hands on my face, squeezing my cheeks together. He was informing me of some importance but it was all inaudible, to my ears. This man vanished just as quickly as he appeared.

The character, Death, as depicted in Neil Gaiman's work

I then walked into another room, half expecting for another man to come out. To my great dismay, I felt a strange force emanating from the neighboring room. it was a room with this bottomless pit of darkness. I walked back to the front room with a sudden urgency and so u hid underneath a desk with a hole I fit in just right. I just felt it in my gut that someone was trying to kill me. I heard what sounded like guns  popping off. However, all I saw was an entrancing laser light show. Looked beautiful actually.

My mind flashed back to that man from before. I finally remembered what he said. He informed me that I HAVE to find that missing piece of the puzzle NO MATTER WHAT.

My body was now back on earth, back to my original body again. However, I was put at a local grocery store where my family was currently at. I feel a sudden urgency that some creature is chasing me. I saw my family standing just outside the store, talking to a big group of people. As I proceed to walk towards the group of people, a very pretty Hispanic girl with long brunet hair approaches me. I felt a strange connection to her which led me to ask her

"Have you ever been sacrificed before?“ (Note: In the dream, I used a different term which is the synonym for sacrifice but for the life of me, I cannot remember!!!)

With a blank and cold stare, she takes a sudden step towards me as she said "Actually, I HAD been." I felt chills, knowing this chick is already dead. She continues, "Are you looking for the missing piece? I know where it is, but I can't tell you. I can tell you this: You must look for the puzzle in the "eyes" of one of the items in this store."

I was obviously clueless.

"Eyes? What eyes? Yours?."

This girl says no more and calmly walks away.

I go rummaging through the store, very desperately seeking it. I felt that I just have to hurry up and look for this elusive missing piece. It's not like I was in a rush to die or g;very myself to the underworld. The point is, I am going to die anyway, right? All while, I know there is that creature on my ass. This girl approaches me yet again. However, this time, there was someone holding her back from approaching any closer to me.

"Did you find it? I said look in the eyes!!!" And then she was carried away and the last time I saw her.

I go into a bathroom stall, still unable to find the missing piece and I feel the creature that's after me approach closer and closer.....

I woke up.