Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Duality Dream
I was in a building and looked out the window which was the sky of an ideal perfect spring day, bright sun and no clouds whatsoever. Seconds later I feel...... raindrops? I also felt a sudden gust of wind blow through my hair as I turned away I look again out the window and I noticed the instantaneous division in the sky. there was that clear blue sky i was gawking at moments earlier but at the far horizon I see dark clouds and lightning. the sky in that area was COMPLETELY drenched in black. Had me in serious shock as I have figured its rapidly approaching if I can feel the roaring wind and scattered raindrops from miles away in this clear sky.
Minutes later the rain rushes in our area swallowing us in complete darkness. I felt the rain and wind so me among a group of people rush into another building but that quickly gets overpowered by they godly force of the water which leads to all of us suddenly struggling to stay afloat in the water as it swept us out of the building.
The sky above us and the water we are all surrounded in is complete PITCH BLACK!!! There was, however, a faint glow within this water yet we couldn't figure out where we were or how high we traveled up from the water overflowing. No tall buildings no hills or mountains. Just water, water everywhere. Multitudes of people in this water were combinations of confusion, some calm and others were panicking.
It was depressing.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
The Sacrifice Dream

The rap rock band, 3rd Strike.
I was at home putting together a puzzle that somehow resembled the poster to a 3rd Strike cd. I couldn't find the last 2 pages. The problem was, this puzzle played a significance. Right when the puzzle is finished, I would be sacrificed to this species that resided in the underworld, as my mom explained to me. I asked her what would happen if I don't finish the puzzle. She said that they would "get" me. Just in the middle of our conversation, they got me. I could feel myself turn into vapor and the vision of my other before me slowly dissipate into darkness.
I reappeared in a very dark and dimly lit room. My body had now been transformed into a young girl of Teleute (otherwise known as Death as depicted the Neil Gaiman's The Sandman graphic novel). All of a sudden, a grown man just appeared out of nowhere. He put both of his hands on my face, squeezing my cheeks together. He was informing me of some importance but it was all inaudible, to my ears. This man vanished just as quickly as he appeared.
The character, Death, as depicted in Neil Gaiman's work
I then walked into another room, half expecting for another man to come out. To my great dismay, I felt a strange force emanating from the neighboring room. it was a room with this bottomless pit of darkness. I walked back to the front room with a sudden urgency and so u hid underneath a desk with a hole I fit in just right. I just felt it in my gut that someone was trying to kill me. I heard what sounded like guns popping off. However, all I saw was an entrancing laser light show. Looked beautiful actually.
My mind flashed back to that man from before. I finally remembered what he said. He informed me that I HAVE to find that missing piece of the puzzle NO MATTER WHAT.
My body was now back on earth, back to my original body again. However, I was put at a local grocery store where my family was currently at. I feel a sudden urgency that some creature is chasing me. I saw my family standing just outside the store, talking to a big group of people. As I proceed to walk towards the group of people, a very pretty Hispanic girl with long brunet hair approaches me. I felt a strange connection to her which led me to ask her
"Have you ever been sacrificed before?“ (Note: In the dream, I used a different term which is the synonym for sacrifice but for the life of me, I cannot remember!!!)
With a blank and cold stare, she takes a sudden step towards me as she said "Actually, I HAD been." I felt chills, knowing this chick is already dead. She continues, "Are you looking for the missing piece? I know where it is, but I can't tell you. I can tell you this: You must look for the puzzle in the "eyes" of one of the items in this store."
I was obviously clueless.
"Eyes? What eyes? Yours?."
This girl says no more and calmly walks away.
I go rummaging through the store, very desperately seeking it. I felt that I just have to hurry up and look for this elusive missing piece. It's not like I was in a rush to die or g;very myself to the underworld. The point is, I am going to die anyway, right? All while, I know there is that creature on my ass. This girl approaches me yet again. However, this time, there was someone holding her back from approaching any closer to me.
"Did you find it? I said look in the eyes!!!" And then she was carried away and the last time I saw her.
I go into a bathroom stall, still unable to find the missing piece and I feel the creature that's after me approach closer and closer.....
I woke up.
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Canada Vs. America Dream
It started as me riding on the bus and the bus driver was saying that my season pass sticker was out of date.. (The current one is orange) I looked at my student ID and it was green (which was the one I had from the last season pass) I couldn't believe it, somehow the orange sticker had mysteriously peeled off and I asked the driver what the color of the sticker was. I swore that it was orange.
He said that an orange season pass sticker never existed nonetheless came out. The one that is current now is the RED sticker. And I Asked for the driver to let me off at the next stop and he agreed. It was right at the intersection at the bottom of the highway is where I saw the beginning of the worst:
I saw 3-4 little elementary aged country boys playing on the entrance of the intersection. I thought nothing of it until we made the turn and I saw a startling discovery. Virtually there were people waiting for us, Americans. We just crossed the borderline and we were entering Canada.. Many groups were surrounding us as we entered Canada.
There were the people at the left dressed in black. They looked church affiliated. I think I saw some crosses on them as well. To the right I saw the bikers and they had their chains ready to swing at us. To the front I saw the hick countrymen/farmer and they had their pitchforks and were more than ready. In the back were the Indians and they had their daggers and arrows. Sooner or later we had to stop and in my mind it was like I already knew what happened.
It was the Canadians. They hated us, Americans. And it had to do with our president, George Bush. I heard them chanting and were ready to kill us. We had no choice but we had to get off the bus and fight our way out of Canada. Many people besides me had to go and run through the crowd just to stay alive.
We started out and we got off at the store. Right beside the door, on the left we minor Indian children waiting for us to exit and on their right hands were holding a dagger ready to stab us as we try to get out. To the right of the door were motionless knights with their long swords by their sides. They did nothing. After we ran out, as far as the eye can see I saw the Land of Swords. And the only way to go is forward. SO me among the other Americans were just running through the swords and watching them fall down.
As we were running through the crowd, they were shooting at us. Groups of the Bikers, Indians, Priests, and Hicks were trying to attack us. They wanted nothing to do with us. They were chanting that they did not want our kind in their country. As they were shooting at us.
And then I woke up