Date of Dream: May 7, 2024
Current Dream
All I can remember is being in this murky water. I was not the only one, there was a plethora of people I was surrounded by. I believe my mother was right next to me. The sky was smoky as all hell with the deepest shade of grey you can possibly imagine. There was some kind of catastrophe that occurred before I came to and it was like I teleported there right in the middle of it. I saw a volcano which we were far enough to not get directly impacted but OMG this was an immense sized volcano and sure was big enough for me to get scared. Before I could process anything else, a tsunami formed but to my horror, the wave was hundreds of feet high in the high.
I have never been so scared in all my life seeing it being high in the sky as it reached. I braced for impact and tried to go under a shallow cover but did nothing to help. When it landed, we all felt a huge force of water but not as soul shattering as expected. The force simply did not match what we saw and prepared for.
Next was the volcano. We heard an ungodly amount of guttural in that eruption. It was just insane for 2 major events to be happening in quick succession. It was so close yet so far. The volcano seemed to have erupted and a plume of smoke was emanating wow but it was so close and the sound was reverberating through my ears and I shuddered throughout my whole body. Everyone is still in the water and panicking.
I woke up.