Monday, December 23, 2024

Chase *Lucid Dream*

Date of Dream: Unknown
Dream from my archives

What I love most about myself and the little I know to control my dreams is that I (mostly) have the ability to get out of a progressing nightmare.

I've done it before.

My dream last night was getting scary because I was outside at an apartments at the dark of night and a group of people from all corners just emerged from the shadows. At first I was all by myself and the next second I am holding a BABY! Not certain if it was (my baby) or some random baby but that didn't matter to me I had the baby in my arms and was willing to protect this baby at all cost. The people began shooting at me and so I took off running and I looked back a big group of people were chasing me. I ran to the very front of the apartments and I just ran inside the closest apartment. Seriously peculiar because the door was wide open and classic rock music was blazing loudly and the apartment itself seemed to have been occupied with people's belongings. Weird enough, I couldn't find anyone in this apartment, it was strangely empty but that was the least of my problems and so I took myself and this baby in a closet. The closet was facing the front door and so I left it a crack open and a few seconds later after crouching down in a closest I see through the crack of the door facing the front door and I see men sneaking in this apartment and I saw they had guns on them.

Then I snapped back to reality. I instantly come to thought that this is a dream and not real and so I close my eyes and force myself to get out of this dream because if the evil men find us..I sure as hell don't want to stick around to see what they will do. Literally in a blink of an eye the dream vanished and when I open my eyes again.....another dream, another surround, no more baby in my arms.

I've been able to do this since I was little, before I even knew there was a word for it but it felt awesome I could get out of a nightmare. I could only think of 1 time where it didn't was a graphic dream about rapture. That was a shitily scary dream if I'd say so myself.