Friday, June 16, 2023

Isolated Dream

Dream from my archives 
Date of dream unknown

This dream began as I was running in an isolated forest. It was depressing because there was not one soul in sight and felt like I was the last person on earth. I was all alone and I was lost. I was running for my life because I was desperate to survive and not starve to death or get attacked by creatures. I see nothing but grass and and trees for miles and miles!!! I then come across an area with no grass growing but dirt and a vulture was following me for a few minutes. I knew if I stopped than the vulture was going to devour me. So I continued to run and run. The vulture eventually flew away and then a voice spoke to me that the vulture's intentions were to attack and eat me since it had no food for a very long time, but gave up.

I ran through a lush grassland. I was barefoot and I could feel the cushion of grass beneath my feet and the smell of freshness. I felt I was in the wrong direction and so I turned back with no vulture following me this time around. Things took a drastic change when the condition of the grass when from a bright green color, soft and abundant grass to a half dead, brown grass dried and prickly area where the grass and sticks kept pricking my feet. My feet hurt so much from it stabbing my feet, I was forced to stop where I stood. Pondering that I maybe was in the wrong direction and lost. I walked further until I came across 2 people. I believe they were speaking another language. I'm fucked forever.

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Dad & Mom reunited dream

Thu, Apr 7, 2022 9:25 AM

Very brief dream I just woke up from but it was an extremely comforting dream.

I was in this small cramped room with what I think was walls of wood as in a cabin possibly. I was next to my dad (FYI, he died when I was a kid) and there was some kind of potluck. I looked around and there were various Mexican dishes and that people were introducing me to. I really don't remember much of this the only thing that really stuck out was that I was next to my dad and I was extremely happy to be near him. All of a sudden my mom walked in the room looking for me wondering where I had been. I told I just wanted to hang with my dad. She proceeded to sit next to me. In a split second, everyone else in the room were gone. So it was just my dad, my mom and I sitting side by side. This is was absolutely the happiest feeling I have ever felt. Hard to describe but it felt so overwhelmingly calming and I was extremely happy to be next to both my parents. That was until my dad and mom were openly flirting with each other and I did my typical teenager "OMG stahhp"


I wish I remembered more of this dream. I have been really depressed lately so this is definitely a breath of fresh air to have another dream of my dad since it's been a long time last I have. I am a strong believer in visitation dreams. I've had plenty of them since I was a kid. I strongly believe that's his way of checking up on me throughout my life. And this really gives me so much comfort and I don't want anyone to reign in on my parade and tell me wishful thinking or whatever. But this does keep my head up.

UPDATE: I decided to tell my mom this dream and she was extremely comforted by this dream. Me and her are needless to say big believers in visitation dreams (communicating with deceased loved ones in dreams). She has had VERY interesting ones in the past. It's not my place to share her experiences but they are oddly specific even correctly predicted a future event or two. I don't think my sister and brother believe in it. If they are, they aren't outspoken on it. I'm glad I told my mom I could tell this dream obviously meant a lot to her I mean well yeah he was the love of her life of course it did! I could just hear it in her voice how deeply touched she was. It definitely made her day