Dream from my archives
Date of dream unknown
This dream began as I was running in an isolated forest. It was depressing because there was not one soul in sight and felt like I was the last person on earth. I was all alone and I was lost. I was running for my life because I was desperate to survive and not starve to death or get attacked by creatures. I see nothing but grass and and trees for miles and miles!!! I then come across an area with no grass growing but dirt and a vulture was following me for a few minutes. I knew if I stopped than the vulture was going to devour me. So I continued to run and run. The vulture eventually flew away and then a voice spoke to me that the vulture's intentions were to attack and eat me since it had no food for a very long time, but gave up.
I ran through a lush grassland. I was barefoot and I could feel the cushion of grass beneath my feet and the smell of freshness. I felt I was in the wrong direction and so I turned back with no vulture following me this time around. Things took a drastic change when the condition of the grass when from a bright green color, soft and abundant grass to a half dead, brown grass dried and prickly area where the grass and sticks kept pricking my feet. My feet hurt so much from it stabbing my feet, I was forced to stop where I stood. Pondering that I maybe was in the wrong direction and lost. I walked further until I came across 2 people. I believe they were speaking another language. I'm fucked forever.