Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Death At A Wedding Dream

Date of Dream: December 28,2022


I was standing in this wedding reception with a bunch of beautiful ladies in dresses around me that was eventually forming a line. I was purposely meant to stand to the side away from them. Why? Because I was the bride to be! I was wearing a beautiful wedding dress and I remember feeling so much love for the person I was going to marry. He never appeared in my dream but it was like an automatic memory. The man I was about to marry was a man I barely knew IRL but haven't seen or spoken to in over 4 years from today. He is such a stranger to me IRL but I remember just feeling so in love with him and how esthatic I was that I was going to marry him. His name is Rick and he was like 10 year older than me. 

The next moment I remember I was standing at the window of a very tall (yet unknown number of stories) building. I saw my 15 year old nephew, Richard, but in the body of his 8 year old self stand literally outside on the roof of an adjacent outside window. He had a big black fish that was attached to his right arm but from my point of view it was on the left side of my vision. He had the biggest smile on his face and was waving frantically. I was so happy to see him and in that instance I remember feeling so happy he was happy to see and wave at me (IRL we aren't that close anymore and he ignores me nowadays). But the black fish that was attached to his arm looked weightless. He almost covered his entire arm and he was also waving that fish arm effortlessly contrary to how elongated and wide the fish was. I was not under the impression the fish was alive as I did not see see the fish move at all unless Richard waved his arm.

In a split second Richard was in the room with me also staring out the window. I don't recall seeing the black fish anymore. However, what I saw next changed my fucking life.

My 14 year old nephew, Alex, that is also in a younger version of himself. I would describe around 7-9 years old. He was OUTSIDE the window and just looking away from me. All I see is his back and side profile. It was a small ledge and he wasn't moving. In order to avoid causing a panic I tried to calming beckon him to step back inside the room. Weird thing though, I kept calling him Chris (my ex husband and father to my son). "Chris, please step inside the room like right now." I repeated this sentence three times.

Without warning, he slowly just stepped OFF THE LEDGE and fell to his death. In shock I looked away but I looked at Richard who screamed his head off and had the most grueling saddest and most horrified expression on his face. He cried instantly. I started bawling instantly and I didn't want to believe it. I kept asking "Did he really fall?!?" I was in denial I so did NOT want to believe that I saw my own nephew fall to his death.

I quickly closed the window and tried to immediately call 911. I flat out refused to look outside the window for fear of what I might see.


I woke up. I have a Fitbit and my heart was RACING however my heart rate said I was at 82 BPM. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Nemesis Dream

*Originally dreamt: September 4, 2004*
*Dream from my archives*

The Nemesis Dream

This dream was like I was watching yet living a scene off of Resident Evil: Apocalypse. I was among the people in the building running through to an escape. I see a group just standing there and against them was a sheet of glass and a guy was glaring at us. I yelled to the guy "Get away! He's a zombie!" but it was too late, the zombie managed to break through the glass and claimed it's first victim. We immediately run and left the victim for dead (SHAME ON US).

The next scene I see a guy running down the stairs exclaiming that his buddy is dead and then ran into a room. A black girl was there already staring at the mirror. At that point it was common knowledge in this dream that once a person dies, there is a chance for that person to be brought back to life but it was impossible in this case because of the room's reclusive space. In that same room I saw the mirror and written on the bottom in bold black ink were the words "I so killed him" (teeny humorous right?)

We next were at the supermarket (don't know why) and of course we are running. We come across an old woman in a with cane and wearing a shawl and asks us in a sweet tone "Would you like some fishes?" Seemed like an obvious disguise of a zombie (like you see in corny zombie horror movies) so we walked right past her. I tried to tell the people behind me to do the same but it was too late and I saw before my eyes the old woman claim yet another victim. We are now running through the aisles and I see the same old woman chasing us now (running, can you believe that?). I eventually stranded off which was a horrible mistake now that 2 woman zombies were chasing me. I climbed on a metal wall and threw whatever I could at the both of them since it seemed that they couldn't climb after me. One of the zombies finally spoke to me in a slow, evil and sinister tone "Since we can't get to you, there is someone that would". In the middle of this, my mind instantly flashed to a vision of seeing a creepy haunted-looking house sitting on top of a hill in the midst of a murky green colored clouds surrounding. The information suddenly dawned on me as I was seeing this house hinting at the existence of Resident Evil's Nemesis: The only way to kill him if the "seven souls" trace to that house on the hill which transforms the house to metal, thus making powerless to Nemesis but if a single soul is the only one near it instead of all at once, he senses and tracks down to destroy the "soul".


Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Vampire Island

*Date of dream unknown*
*Dream from my archives*

I was shopping at a Maci's-like store and it was closing. I was shopping with a friend (who I have never seen in real life). Turns out, this store was placed at the top of a gigantic hill. We were looking down and saw nothing but mud and it was impossible to walk down....we had to jump and SLIDE down. It was an immense drop, many hundreds of feet from the sea level and drastic slopes. The friend and I slide the first level and once we reached a small flat plane we didn't want to slide further down so we turned back and found a small building.

I looked out a small opening and I see a huge lake with a boat filled with people. It almost felt like the following information got implanted in my brain the second I saw these people and I said out loud "They are vampires!! They are disguised to look friendly but will use the humans for their gain and then will dispose and kills us when they get the chance!" The boat approached the shore and I see the cheery vampires hop out looking like those wack ass vampires from the Twilight movies. They greeeted us, humans but the second we trusted them, they turned into grotesque beings who would send us out on missions. Crazy.

One mission I actually remember was when a young man (looks like the eldest dude in Narnia) broke inside a penetentiary and rescue a badly bruised man and help him escape to the vampires island. It was night time and I see the young man aided the brutally beaten man with his arm around him helping him limp/walk out of the penetentiary. The bruised man looked hella creepy, similiar to Beetlejuice where the people wait in the deceased waiting room in the after life...that skinny guy that got ran over. Well for those who didnt see Beetlejuice, this guy had a normal sized head but the rest of his body was bone thin, and bloodied all over. Creepier when you actually see it. A guard saw them and walk beside them to try to stop them but the young man, as he was intructed to do, turned around and stabbed the guard to death. They walked out free and mentioned something about Elmo's Fire. I totally didnt get what that meant.

That was the end of my dream.