Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Dead Resurrection Dream

*original date of dream unknown*

The dream started out with a man driving a very odd looking car. It was huge and box shaped, like what you would see on the other side of the world when 2 are getting hitched and people lift and carry the huge thing they are sitting on. The thing was...THIS WAS A CAR it was white and had a lot of decorations on it. Instead of celebrating a joyous occassion, this was actually to be carrying a deceased person.

For some odd reason, this funeral was taking place in the middle of a freaking swamp with light brown colored mud EVERYWHERE. The white box car had to stop, since it couldn't go any further. He stepped out and proceeded to take out the body. He wasn't in a coffin at ALL, just laying down on a board with the top of the coffin completely gone. Another began to help him but apparently both weren't a whole lot strong and they definitely struggled taking the body out. Things just got worse when they weren't successful to even lift the body up at all and then all the mud was getting on the dead man's BROWN suit and on his skin as well.

I was a bystander watching the catastrophe unfold and keep thinking to myself how horrible that the worst of the worst is happening. Other people were standing there as well in complete awe, including relatives and people who actually knew him....come to think of it, I don't know why I was even there because I had no connections to this man to begin with.

So in the middle of this all going on, out of nowhere HE OPENS HIS EYES. HE then proceeded to move slowly while everyone is so shocked and making little comments, trying to talk to him, for him not to say anything back. When he stood up, he was now wearing a COMPLETELY CLEAN, WHITE SUIT, compared to his brown suit just moments before. He then began to hug me, in which I felt his suit was soft and had some fluff to the suit. While he had one arm half hugging me, he was leading me in some certain direction and I proceeded to follow his lead.

Dream ended.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Alien Invasion Dream

*Original date of dream unknown* 

The dream started out as a day like any other, a big crowd of people walking around and going about their business in your ordinary day. People of all ages and such walking, talking, laughing and such. All seemed very normal and completely sane until, in an instant each and every single person froze in their stance. There they all were in standing position and they have all lost their ability to move. Many were able to talk and use facial expressions.

People were now talking amongst themselves in complete awe like what the hell happened?! All of a sudden they are unable to move their own bodies and have all lost control to move their own damn legs!! And then one person stuck out, "It's the aliens!" broke one's silence, "They know how to manipulate us, control our functions and now they are going to abduct us.." Hard for any person to actually believe this damn non sense but yet one by one they all began to believe. Insectoid aliens to be precise. They believed it was a form of invasion where they know how to manipulate one's brains and made them stop their own functions as a first attack.

Things took a turn for the worse when the expressions on certain people's expression began to change. I witnessed some people that actually lost their own ability to manipulate their own facial expressions! They looked blank and lifeless and all you can distiguish from them is their automatic bug eyed look in their eyes before I see a few in number got lifted up in the air to be abducted in an unseen area I could see in this instance.

More people began to panic and began yelling to each other how this is a true alien invasion and this is the end. A few second later, the remaining people left behind lost their ability to speak as well. All of their facial expressions went to the same bug eyed look and their bodies began to move, insect-like with their arms moving robotically. They all began to move in unison and proceeded to walk now in a single direction. They all now looked just as lifeless, so unhuman mannerisms and a creepy sense of control in their eyes.

Even though I never saw the insectoid aliens in my dreams like one has mentioned, it was a strong feeling in my dream (of it being about) that they were the sole puppet masters. Creepy feeling.