So I somehow tried to concentrate and astral project and in a blink of an eye I was in a new landscape. In front of me what an alien animal resembling a pig with an elongated neck with flesh colored skin. Never got to see the face but it had the body structure of a pig. I looked up at the sky and it was a breathtaking array of pastel colors as if I took random colors of a palette and smeared it all across the sky. Looked very close to this but more murky looking:
I then panned my view to the right and it was all of a sudden murky dark colors but distorted and it completely blocked my vision entirely so I couldn't see any further or any landscape or potential civilization.
I woke up but it was a false awakening. Did random can't remember things but I tried to astral project again.
I saw a similar looking pastel smeared sky with a golden dark undertone to it. I saw a human eye in the sky and I concentrated on it. The eye took its shape to a human young boy. The eyes were slowly shifting from right to left very roboticly. When the eyes then turned to shift into my direct contact, I saw flashes of lightning in his eyes. As his body took shape and materialized, there was a cloaked lizard like creature behind him. The hood covered his face but I saw the scales on the body that the cloak wasn't covering. I then heard some kind of deep toned voice talk to/about this boy concerning mankind. I seriously don't remember exact words. However, it sounded ominous and cult like. Before me now materialized a name in four parts. I tried my best to recognize the name so I can Google it (perhaps a reality check??) To validate if this person is real. "Icpqiona Don" was all I could remember. There's a chance my imagination added an extra vowel in the first name. Or consonant. Maybe both. This really gave me antichrist vibes .
I woke up. False awakening AGAIN.
So my mom was right next to me and when I woke up I told her "hey please don't talk to me real quick because I need to Google up a name I saw in a dream and I need to know if this name is real." So what does my mom do??? Ask me a million curious questions. Funny but come on!!!
Then I woke FOR REAL this time.
*Note: I don't believe I actually astral projected at all. I have read a lot about it and have such an interest but I know it's a delicate process to even do it. Needless to say I haven't mastered even an iota of it. I believe I wanted to so bad that my dream mind did its thing that dreams do lol1