Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Little killer Girl Dream

This dream is so bizarre and just beyond creepy. It had a cute little girl who looked so much like Curly Sue and she lived in a huge mansion with a bunch of her other parents and relatives. She was only like 7 years old or something. So one day, little bitch got greedy and single handedly schemed to have everything for herself.

She went one by one, brutally killing one person at a time when they least expect. When I meant brutal I mean the worst way to kill a person with projectile blooding squirting from their wounds. For a damn 7 year old girl to be doing this..wtf? They showed these group of teenage girls..who were working there and I guess they were leaving or something. One of the girls was alone and she was going down a vast 3 floors of stairs and the little girl pops out of nowhere and pushes her to her death.

Another one was a grown man, possibly the father or something. She comes and sneaks behind him and stabs him in the eye and continues to jab the hell out of him. Ew that was so sick. So then later on in the day, these workers were in the backyard or something and the little girl turns on this acidic spray and it got 3 of them. One of them escaped and ran through and jumped the gate and tried to crawl in the grass away from her view. Well the evil little girl ran down and had a chainsaw-like thing and by this time it was in the front of the house in front of the entire neighborhood (who coincidentally were outside at the same time) She didn't care and she used the chainsaw and hacked the guy to bits. The neighbors looked in disbelief. They did nothing! Can you believe that? NOTHING! They looked in appall that a little girl murdered a man like 5x her age!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Movie Preview In A Dream

Hundreds of test experiment patients....men and women, young and old...were put in a light blue hospital gowns in a cafeteria with plates of food before them. Among them a women caught my attention...mid 20's Caucasian female with short blond hair with a confused facial expression on her face. The room is quiet and a man enters to gather their attention. He is old with grey balding hair, wearing glasses with a lab coat.

He raises his voice as he tells of his *experiment* to prevent them of being barbarians and to "think before they leap". He holds up a needle, inside it has translucent orange colored liquid. The patients look as he swiftly injects the heavily greased pizza with this substance. "This contains the ability to get in your system and rot from the insides to out" He calmly notes to them. "As you eat you shall lurk and check with yourself of that is what you consume".

The next scene shows the doctor and a women doing an autopsy on the white female with the blond hair. They zoom in on the dead, rotting and mutated skin that befell this victim. Thin layers the women was going through that contained very crusty and army (extremely dark) green skin cells consuming the cranium area.

The woman doctor was talking to the professor how awkward it was because the test patients did exactly what they were told as instructed but somehow that substance got its way to them and killing them slowly one by one. At a tremendous pace. And they don't know why. It puzzled the both of them and this could soon leak out to the public and kill the whole population in record time.

So then weird credits appeared in my vision as if introducing in a movie preview....Movie starring James Van Der Beek (academy award winner for this picture.) This messed up because when they said his name they showed Leonardo DeCaprio instead so my memory messed this time............it went pitch black and emerged the movie title called....Paul the Professor.

and I woke up.